i'm an odd bird. and apparently a little emo.

Aug 24, 2008 13:26

found this stuck in my ninth grade humanities notebook:

being alive makes me want to cry on occasion, though i'm never really sure if they are tears of joy or absolute sadness. Some would say that we humans have won the genetic lottery, highest on the food chain we are capable of free though and action for our whole lives, unlike, shall we say a water molecule. Destined to evaporate and condense once again for all of eternity a water molecule has absolutely no say in the direction of its existence. But sometimes I wonder if it wouldn't be lovely to be a water molecule. The idea that humans are the most intelligent, competent and free thinking of all of god's creatures means that we have high expectations for our lives. To be individual and creative, to leave our mark on the world around us. But a water molecule can be perfectly content to be an indistinct part of a wave crashing on the shore or part of a rain drop in an april shower. Never once concerned with separating itself from the pack, to do something inspiring- to be all that its little liquid self could be.
And that doesn't really sound so terrible to me.
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