May 25, 2005 13:45
Look at that weather. That's a joke. A joke!
However. I'm just up. I tried to defeat Donkey Kong Counrty, but it's kicking me in the balls (my invisdable balls) everytime. Clearly. I cannot spell invisible, but y'know. IN VIS DABLE!
I'm hyper.
I think I have that skit-zo-phrenia where I'm a wee emo kid & then I turn into some pop-punk effort of happiness. I enjoy it & as long as I amn't like Charlie from...Hide N Seek, was it? Then we're all good.
Maw has l'hopital (whit?) later, so I'd better get ready & then afterwards I will be going out with my wonderful fiance, Martin & Ryan & whoever else that I probably won't know, but they'll be there. Hopefully shoe you won't be there. I dislike you. (See what I done there. HAHAHAHAHA! ...I'm about as funny as marmalade.)
I have Smarties biscuits. They're mental. Mental. Chicken...oriental.