Crazy, Insane, Odd, Zany, Idiosyncrasy, Loony, Loony

Jul 19, 2006 21:08

Name: Melissa aka Blox

Age: 20

I. Describe yourself: Brown eyed, brown haired (is that grammatically correct?), 5'5, loud, bouncy, athletic with a few summer snacking pounds and currently sun bathing for a nice winter tan. I’m a creative, sensitive, and fearless trail blazer (except when it comes to flies and maggots and some public speaking or other large group gathering spotlight moments, blegh).

I love adventure and risk. I love solitude and peace. I love comfort and tranquility and having my privacy, and my own space. I love attention (when it's comfortable). My jokes and games sometimes are seen as cynical, sarcastic, unnecessary and overbearing but luckily my boyfriend is the same and the toleration is mutual. Despite my rough and joking side I am very sensitive, which often makes me into somewhat of a moody person.

I love to wrestle and I love hand cuffs.

I HATE cigarettes and I’m a hygiene freak. I take at least one shower a day, sometimes two, cleaning from head to two. I carry perfume, deodorant and my floss and toothbrush with me almost everywhere I go (I’m not even kidding, ask my boyfriend or anyone in my family). I cannot stand body odor, food stuck in teeth, and unwashed hair. I will not hesitate to let you know if you smell or whatever, if only to help you out and ease the aching stench.

I am not high maintenance when it comes to material things. I love all the small and simple pleasures in life like Valentines Day dates on the beach late at night and flowers just because. But I am a handful with my emotions as they tend to go up and down. I'm not bi-polar, more like easily influenced by my surroundings, environment, taking things personally most of the time. Sometimes I despise myself for being like that; it's almost as if I have two personalities. But that's me, something you take or leave, either which I'm not too attached to.

I fear being alone, being unloved, and being lost but my biggest fear is failure. This sometimes holds me back when it comes to my achievements, goals, and dreams, but all I need is encouragement and support before I keep going and bust my ass to get there. Stupid and pointless humor makes me laugh, sometimes too hard, and my love and addiction for action and intense drama is fed by movies and the hit TV show 24 starring Kiefer Sutherland. I have a crush on Johnny Depp; always have and I always will. :P

I am loyal and forgiving, gentle, caring and sweet. I crave affection, snuggling, soft kisses and massages. But I am also competitive down to the core and sometimes, I admit, it's only to prove myself or look good.
I love listening to my favorite tracks, playing sports, being active in games (outside and inside) and having fun at all possible times of the day. I am also very lazy at times, especially in the humid heat of the day. This is a battle I'm working on. But now I'm told that my organization and cleaning is becoming anal and over bearing. I say I'm efficient. Someday I'll find the balance.

I'm always a daydreamer, fussy, easily bored, sometimes childish but always spontaneous and up for new things (especially trying new foods, yum!). I’m a perfectionist and I prefer to wear my hair up.

I am a creative person with a vivid imagination that sometimes I find hard to take from my mind and on down to paper. I draw, write, sing (well I try at least, and in privacy most of the time) and I doubt I will ever stop. My passion lies mostly in drawing such as inking and sketching and creating various characters. Another passion that I have (that has conveniently helped my spelling I believe) is reading. Dean Koontz, Harry Potter (der), anything that has equal amounts of drama, comedy, romance, and mystery but my ultimate favorite stories are those of realistic fantasy novels or murder mysteries.

I'm flirtatious. I love staying up late. I love spending money. I love movies, popcorn, chocolate covered raisons and puppies. I bite my nails, burp out loud, and I loooovvveee pickles with ice-cream (no I'm not pregnant). I don't follow rules when I know it's safe and secure enough to get away with it (like right now, I'm writing this at work when I shouldn't. -shh-).

I'm a great listener, great lover, and great lover of kisses, big and small. I'm on top, I'm loud, and I'm usually the center of the attention when I feel comfortable enough to put myself there.

I love playing volleyball, working on computers, engaging in interesting conversations that I might learn from as well as watching (and sometimes trying) different dare devil stunts. One time my friend and I had a pillow fight in a pillow and cushion aisle at a Ross outlet store. We stopped and left before we were kicked out but it was a lot of fun with the hitting, running, screaming and sliding. It's hard to get away with those stunts now but its fun to reminisce. Another thing I find extremely fun is the adrenaline of not getting caught doing something very private that you shouldn't normally do in public places. ;)

I'm a developing entrepreneur. I'm working on creating my own business team in a telecommunications network program and I'm also slowly but surely forming my own business (called Blox Creations) in the shadows. I grew up with two handicapped parents (one who survived polio with muscle deficiency and one who survived the German measles with her left side partially paralyzed) so they were very tender when raising me and my three other siblings. As they were probably treated with special care and TLC so were we. They never really pushed any of us to be ambitious and goal orientated. They were happy for our accomplishments but there was no fuel for my drive. I found my drive and passion to be ambitious late in life but I'm over blaming them for my late bloom. I can be happy for their love and happy for my independence now rather then dwelling on the past. That I can over come such a feat, I think, is one of my greatest qualities. So for that, I thank my parents. That's one more reason why I believe that everything happens for a reason.

I am a simple woman with a complex mind. I am confident, artistic, and giving and I take life one day at a time as if each day might be my last. C'est la vie.

II. What are some of your pet peeves?

Weee! These are fun to list!:

1.) Smokers. I cannot stand the smell. I cannot stand the smoke. I cannot stand the addiction. It’s dirty, foul, unnecessary, rude, infecting, and down right disgusting. I have no problem asking someone to put out their cigarette if they are near by and not in a designated smoking area. I will fight for my right to have healthy lungs and smell fresh air. One of my fvoite old quotes is one between a man and a woman where the man says: “Mind if I smoke?” And the woman says: “Care if I die?” Hah! That’s me for sure. (Oh yeah, I can see Professor Snape being a smoker. Blegh)

2.) Wet socks. Cannot stand them either. If I step in something wet wearing only socks I'll usually scream and immediately rip the socks off my feet. To me, wet socks is like nails on a chalk board to others. Blegh!

3.) Flies and maggots. ARGGH!!! These things drive me crazy. I mean they literally like set off this time bomb inside me and I go nuts. Gross. Nasty. Foul creatures from hell. Infesting. Buzzing. Creeping. I love bugs and insects. Love most all of them. But these things freak the hell out of me. Cockroaches? No problem. Slugs? Sure! Crickets? Bring them on! (They made great snacks for my rats and hamsters.) I'd keep these crazy insects and bugs as pets. But flies and maggots? I give them no mercy. Ugh.

4.) Liars. Simple enough. I'm a person of respect, honor and dignity. I care for people and expect the same from others, because I believe that caring enough about people is what will make this world work. When you lie you hurt and it breaks the peace and causes all kinds of problems. Don't lie. Don't lie to me. And I do the best I can to not lie to others.

5.) Snotty people. I know it may sound silly but stuck up, richy, I’m-the-best people drive me crazy. They think they are above the rules, better than everyone else, and expect the world to revolve around them. I deal with a lot of these people at work and it pisses me off. Wow that felt good to get that off my chest, hehehe. ^_^

III. What is your take on religion? To be honest I'm still figuring this out. I grew up in Christian home so religion was the foundation for my life. Now that I'm off of just believing everything mommy and daddy believed I'm starting to make my own foundations and grounds for my own life based on what I believe. I'm currently researching, thinking, avoiding, praying, hoping, dreaming, and waiting for answers to come so I know where I stand. Yes I believe Jesus is real. And the Bible. The whole thing? Not sure. There are parts I don't think I quite agree with. And yet if you believe one thing in the Bible is wrong then you believe it's all wrong (so they say). But what about interpretations? I don't know. Like I said I'm still figuring it all out. But life is a journey right?

IV. If you were a character in the Harry Potter series, which of the following would you be? (Pure-Blood, Half-Blood, Muggle Born, Squib, or Muggle) Definitely a Muggle born witch. I've always felt like the underdog and being a Muggle in Hogwarts would sort of put me in that situation. A lot of times I've felt like I'm not quite the best but I do my best to never give up and I make myself fit in when I don't always naturally. As a muggle born witch I would be subjected to mublood taunts from goons like Draco and would indeed be studying my ass off to be the best witch a muggle born can be, if only to prove myself I’m worth it and that others are wrong about muggles not being as good as a pure blood. I'm competitive, remember? So you can say "hey, that's the best damn witch ever...and she's muggle born too!" I would bring a whole new realm of respect for those not born into witch families into the wizardry world.

V. Which house do you not fit in at all? Slytheran. Simple enough I'm not a snot, I respect others, I care for others, and I will not do whatever it takes to have it all and be the best. Despite my competitiveness I have my limitations based on my morals and simple rule that kindness and peace will solve all problems in the end. I do respect the Slytherns for their strong wills and determinations, loyalty and aggression to get what they need. But they are too reckless for me. I'm spontaneous but I'm not reckless.

VI. How do you feel about inter-house relations? I think it's a great idea. I strongly believe that there is always room to grow and that we learn everyday. I love learning new things, keeping an open mind, and having inter-house relations means new adventure, new history to learn, new foods to taste, and new stories to tell. My boyfriend happens to be a European, a Czech Republican, born and raised, and I'm learning everyday with him. I'm trying new foods, learning new manners and traditions that they have (such as "Name Day", a day created to specifically celebrate you're name on a specific day). There are whole new worlds out there so different from ours that there can only be good in mingling and sharing our knowledge, tastes, traditions, everything!

This also, I believe, can build alliances and friendships that can strengthen ad bond us during troublesome times. Quid Pro Quo. We'll always be there for each other. I absolutely agree and support inter-house relations. It all comes down to learning new things and growing stronger and smarter.

Hah! This reminds me of that pizza song from 'All Dogs Go to Heaven': "What's mine, is yours. What's yours, is mine...".

VII. If you received a Howler from your parents, what would it be for? Oh ho ho. You won't believe this. My mom would actually send me a howler for not keeping in touch. My family is very close and I would be slaughtered alive just for not keeping letters of updates on what's going on and how I'm doing. You think this is funny? My dad would be ok with it if I sent a letter a couple times during the year. My mom? Oh no. She would be livid if she didn't hear anything from me in 2-3 weeks. Letters of love are a must for me.

VIII. What would you die for? This is the hardest question. I've been thinking long and hard and what I came up with was love. Any passion that I had, whether that be for a specific person or a faith, whatever. I know I would die for the love of my life, family, possibly my faith (though that's in its growing foundational stage) but I don’t know what else to say. This is a hard question to answer. I admit that part of me finds it hard to answer because of my selfish side. I mean let’s be honest, who would instantly raise their hands and step forward to die without thinking about it for just a bit at first? I value my life, thank you very much.

IX. If you found your best friend's diary would you read it? Your worst enemy's? If I found my best friend's diary I wouldn't read it. Everyone is entitled to some privacy. Besides, I would have enough respect for my very best friend to withhold the urge of my curiosity to read it and rather return it back to them. As for my enemy's, I would definitely read it. Curiosity does sometimes kill the cat but sometime’s it’s just worth it.

X. What is your life's dream? To be rich and famous. Hah! Just kidding...about the famous part at least. I grew up in a big family with stretched money and I've been battling with bills and making ends meet all my life. My life's dream is to have a happy and harmonious family that is financially safe and secure. I want my family to have fun whenever and be able to afford it. I hate wanting to go do something fun but having to wait and budget it out first because we simple can't afford it. I want my kids to have toys (not be spoiled with tons of them of course). I want to go out on expensive dinner dates with my man, maybe even a cruise each year. To make this dream a reality I'm working on my leadership and entrepreneurial skills, building my business and career to get my one step closer to financial freedom and independence for me and my family.

XI. What makes you unique? Explain. This is a weird question because being unique means being different and everyone’s different, so really what I wrote when describing myself could answer this question. Ok that aside, here’s my answer for what makes me unique. It’s my love for bugs. Yeah, I know it's weird but I love insects and all creepy crawly things (except large venomous spiders like the wolf spider and flies and maggots of course). I grew up interested in them and thought for sure I would end up down the career path of entomology. Didn't work out but I still care for the creatures and think they are fascinated. Cockroaches are a thrill! When I was younger I would catch the cockroaches while everyone would run and hide. They'd crawl over me and I wouldn't care. They aren't as dirty as people think (flies are the dirtiest actually) and it's cool how they can hold their breath for like 15 minutes! So no more flushing cockroaches down the toilet. I had tons of bug pets growing up. Walking sticks and a giant millipede were my favorite. One time I found an albino cockroach. I swear! It was all white except for the guts inside and the eyes. It was awesome! The thing escaped before I could show it to my Biology class though. Puh. Now I don't obsess over the bugs as much but I'm still fascinated by them and would rather try to save them and put them outside than smoosh them dead...unless it's a fly or maggot of course. :P

XII. What sets you apart from the crowd? Same as what makes me unique. Everything I've mentioned above and everything below. No two people are exactly alike and everything about me sets me apart. One quality I have is respect for myself and respect for others. The respect I have for myself is important. With this I don't feel like I need to do anything cool or special to be a part of any group or any "in-crowd". My parents taught us great morals, values, and ethics, right from wrong, and we learned to not succumb to pressure. I never got into reckless drinking, drug addictions, or dangerous self-degrading sexual acts. I was taught how to protect myself mentally (and a bit physically from a little self-defense class I took when a kid). As much as I sometimes feel like I was sheltered too much and lost some experience in life that would have added to my IQ and confidence I'm grateful for the dangers I avoided. The “lost” experience and intelligence can always be made up now, as I'm currently doing. It's never too late to learn something new. Here's one of my favorite inspirational quotes:

"Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure...than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."

This helps me when my fear of failure starts to kick in. Never give up. Never.

XIII. Which of the Seven Deadly Sins (envy, pride, gluttony, wrath, sloth, greed, lust) do you feel you possess the most? Wellllll I'd have to say it's a tie between my to favorite most unproductive hobbies: eating and sleeping. OK I know they're productive in that they are essential to my health but I'm talking abut eating when I'm bored and laying around just being lazy. Thankfully I've been working on not being lazy or lying about too much but I admit that this summer I have been doing a lot of sun bathing at the beach and at the pool, hehe. As for the eating it has been something I've been battling with for awhile. I've never gotten to the point where food has controlled my life and made my movement become restrained by pounds of fat but I have been gaining and losing weight with my struggle to control my eating habits. I have a big sweet tooth and I crave heavy things usually at night (thanks to my babe -wink wink-) so I need to be careful. I also have a big problem (especially lately) at eating when I'm bored. It's worse in the summer because the heat makes me extra lazy and crave extra munchies. Someone stop me! I actually put on a few pounds because of my lazy summer feasting but I've just started to lose it and I'll be bikini body read by fall or winter...great timing, huh?

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