Sep 09, 2006 10:23
Last night was eventful. very fucking eventful.
Dez had a party so it was him, me, Ross, Chris, Tam, Mark, Byza, The OTHER Ross, Andy, Suzie, Chris and Jenna.
Most of the guys were drinking beers [wifebeater an all - urgh.] Bryza and the Other Ross were drinking vodka, Suzie had her Buckie as per and I was drinkin some kind of mad foreign liquor that was in Dezs bar (none of the guys could drink it. Who has the biggest balls? Me. Why thank you) Mark had a bit of everything. He was drunk.
Not just happy drunk. ANNOYING drunk. Couldnt walk, could talk sense, couldnt move without destroying something. fuck sake. Spent the night getting on everyones my last nerve.
The fanny started spinning round the room and ended up throwing up in a bucket. In the middle of the living room. infront of everyone.Fucking pleasant.
Needless to say we put him in the bathroom and abandoned him there.
Once that malarky is over Ross walks into the house after goin to the Spar to get fags n booze. His face was bright red, the guy was actually COVERED in blood. I mean his hoody, his trousers, even the poor boys shoes. Everyone was stunned as fuck.
From what I heard, Ross had met some guy he knew (not very well but Ross is a friendly drunk) from when he was in school and they had got talking and carrying on, the wee guy started takin the carry on seriously and butted him and layed fuck into him. Cunt.
He went and washed his face and I helped clean him up a bit and when you could actually see his face it was a wee sin - his nose was swollen and bleedin and his lip and left side of his face was swollen to fuck so I got a frozen gamon steak and told him to keep it there until he phoned his Dad and him, Chris and Tam (they were there when it happened) went up to the hospital with him.
I cleaned up a bit because Dez was .?.?.?. (I would say stresed but it was well beyond stressed at this point) because of what happened, because of the state of Mark, because of the state of the house and the amount of noise everyone was making.
Thankfully not aot happened after all. Dez cleaned the blood up from the front of the flat. Me and Suzie danced a little. We smoked a badly needed and well deserved joint. Me and Andy left in a taxi after that. Mark was still in the bathroom when I left.