Most nights at 4 am when I am not down and out with you in Darlinghurst, I walk the streets alone. My collar turned up against the wind,
my hood pulled loose over my head. In a pensive shuffle down back alleys, dodging streetcars, drunks, and razor-gangs. In the clean air
of dead-night, I find myself completely lucid.
My breath comes out as steam.
At this moment I am with purpose. I am with a meaning so far removed from everyday.
A light catches my eye. I set up the tripod. Attach the camera. Focus.
Standing back from it all, the silence is broken by the click of the shutter. I breathe in the nothingness that surrounds me. I look up, at
the streets around. Empty and alone in this quiet world. I find myself counting the beat of my heart. Reach the desired number. Click, the
shutter closes. A bat sweeps past the power lines. I walk on.
At daybreak I reach for the sunglasses in my coat breast pocket.
I fall asleep to the faint hum of my fathers morning coffee.