Name: Elyse
Age: 15
Sex: Girl
Sexuality: I like boys
Single or Taken (show pictures if applicable: single
Location: Nashua NH
School or Job?: Freshman @ NHSS and I work as a 2nd grade sunday school teacher :)
abercrombie&fitch or american eagle? a&f
pepsi or coke? ew neither
aeropostale or pacsun? pacsun
burger king or mcdonalds? McD's
pink or blue? Pink
love or lust? Love
bubble gum or cotton candy? bubble gum
snapple or gatorade? snapple
black or pink? pink
hot topic or abercrombie&fitch? a&F
busch gardens or six flags? 6 flags
britney or christina? hmm britney
yellowcard or backstreet boys? bsb = <3
Why do you want to be in this community? welll I was a part of the old _simplii_sweet and it was really fun! so I hoping that this community will be just as great and I can be a part of it!
Were you part of the original __simplii_sweet? yes! i miss it! What three qualities do you think you can bring to us? Members ( all the communities that I was a part of are closing!) activeness (I can be a bit of a cam whore!), fun!
What would your best friend say about you? they would say that Im shy when you first meet me, but after I know you im a major goof!
Do you know any members here? If so, who & how? I know the Mod ( lisa ) and all the other members from the old sweets! <3
How did you hear about us? (give username if applicable). I got a promo from lisa (xcrombienfitchx)
Can you make banners or icons? yes I can, not the greatest, but nice ones :) I can also do layouts
Are you a member of any other communities, if so, which ones? Im a member of _areyouhott__, _gossip_girls, _so_chic & jadore_le_preps but they are almost all inactive now
Do you moderate any rating communities? If so, would they like to be sisters? sure, Im a Mod @ _gossip_girls
Will you promise to remain active? scouts honor!
Describe a normal day in the life of yourself. (example--school, sports, family, friends..etc.) Im SO busy! lets see I life with my mom and dad, and my two dogs , I get up. shower, do my hair, catch the 630 bus, go to school until 2:03 ( random time?) and I then have tennis practice until 5ish. Then on mondays I have prozdor and sundays I have work. and weekends ofcourse are all about being with the friends <3
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? my height! im 5'10 and I always feel like a giant compaired to most of my friends :/
Do you have a digital camera? yes :) but i stepped on it! so its currently in the shop, but my cell is also a camera
How often are you on the computer & on livejournal? hahah like everyday after school
Do you have a sn? If so, what is it? xsummerbreeze34x (i need a new one!)
Give your favorite quote. I dunno if this is my favorite, but its up there "there are certain circumstances love can't overcome & this is one of them, I don't want to know you anymore. "
Add a question of your own & answer it.Do you believe in one best friend: No i believe in having many great a close friends, but not one superior one.
Livestrong: I almost always wear my band! I love them its so great that lance armstrong started that for such a great cause, it was kinda bad when it was just a "fad" but as long as it was benefiting cancer research, then im ok with it.
The color pink: I love the color pink. for girls, boys, your neighbors dog, it dosent matter its such a fun and cute color
Eating disorders: I love to eat, and I excersize to lose weight. Everyone has their days where they feel bloated and fat, and everyone can understand that, but if you take it to the next level and start hurting your body, because of the way you feel about your self, even when everyone around you tells you that you are gorgeous, even tho you arnt a size 0, then listen to them, they are right, and hurting yourself and putting yourself in danger isnt worth what or who ever its for.
Premarital Sex: My parents were never married, so I guess im a result of premaritial sex, but they werent teenagers who were just looking for a fun time. I think that as long as you take the right precautions and are prepaired for the results
Politics: I support President Bush and Im glad that he won the election. It doesnt really matter now who hates him or not, he can do what he wants and finally get this country going again. I think that social security should be top priority though, that effects people our age and the money that we have already begun to save could be lost
Religion: Im Jewish, but I dont mind any other relgions,and my friends are hindu, christian, muslim and many others. as long as you believe in somthing wether its god or your goldfish or yourself, its what keeps us going.
Paris Hilton: My grandma always said that she liked her ( she never knew about the whole sex tape thing) I think that she seems like alot of fun and a nice rich girl who has her blonde moments....often lol AND shes suppose to be in house of wax which I wanted to see ( i was watching the MTV thing where they followed around the cast today)
Drugs: I am SO against drugs. what are you thinking? Its not just somthing that "its just one time" because one time can be fatal. why risk your life for somthing like a high?
Smoking: My mom smokes, but never infront of me. I think that its a disgusting habbit, but its better then drinking or drugs, and can quitting is possible. I just wouldnt want to kiss someone who smokes often. ew
Add an opinion of your own. try to be original. hmm well how about love at first sight. Well I believe in love, and everlasting love. but I think that two people really need to work together to "fall inlove" and spend time with eachother. you cannot just look at somone for the first time and know you love them, but you can sence that there is somthing there like a connection between eachother.feel that connection, work at it and you'll find love. now add 3-10 pictures of yourself. they must be clear shots. at least one must be a face shot.
Me in Florida last week
My brother was being a loser
My friend Cady and I :)
urg u can see my big nose!!
at a celtics game w/ my friends friend
out to eat with the family thanks guys! ♥