*sex.. Female
*location.. Nashua, NH
*sexuality.. Straight
*job//school.. Cashier at Panera //Nashua High School North
*single//taken.. Single
*song.. "It was you who first believed"
*movie.. Mean Girls
*book.. Night
*bands.. Fall Out Boy// Avril Lavigne// Ashlee Simpson
*type of music..emo// punk// pop
*tv show.. 7th Heaven//Laguna
*food.. Spaghetti
*place to shop.. AE//Aero
[[other questions]]
*about how much time do you spend online daily?.. way too much time :-/
*how did you find out about simpliisweet?.. Lauren.
*were you part of the original group?.. Yeah, I was a co mod :)
*will you actually remain active?.. uh huh
*whats your best personality trait?.. I'm very outgoing//friendly
*your worst?..I'm jealous
*whats the nicest thing youve done for someone?..I went over to someone
at lunch who was sitting all by themselves and invited them to sit with
me and be my friend
*the worst thing?.. Called my bestfriend a cunt and told everyone
that she was wicked easy and gave out her number.... becuase she went
out with the guy that i liked behind my back and lieddd about it.
But we're cool now. love you lo.
*do you know any of the members here? if so, who?.. Lauren, Lisa, carly (kinda).. and I think that's it?
*can you make banners or icons?..sure cann
*do you own a digital camera?..uh huh
*do you have a sn?..yup: xperfect prudex
*add your own question & answer it* what is your most favorite
personal posession? My hair straightner. I was cursed and have really
ugly curly hair and have to use relaxer and my straightener every day
:-/ Thank you Jilbere.
[[what do you think about....]]
*smoking?.. My parents both smoke. Many of my friends smoke, sometimes
I smoke. I’ve been around it my whole life. It doesn’t bother me that
much unless you are a chain smoker because, the stench is so strong.
*drinking?.. I could sit here and lie.but I’m not going to. I drink on
occasion, it’s something that I like to do. If you can drink
responsibly, go for it. So it doesn’t bother me, just be responsible
about it.
*premarital sex?.. 1 word. Protection. I personally have not had sex
but almost all of my friends have.. and almost all of them have had
pregnancy/std scares. So if you’re going to do it, again be responsible
at this age you don’t want to wind up pregnant.
*anorexia?.. At one point in my life i was anorexic. But i’m better
now. Looking at some of the celebrities these days, it makes me sick
seeing how skinny they are and knowing that i use to be just like them.
In the long run, you’re just hurting yourself, and i know that you
can’t just make yourself stop but yeah.
*drugs?.. I’ve done drugs. I’ve lost the trust of my parents. I’ve lost
some friends. And it sucks. If you’re going to do them, I can’t stop
you and tell you that it’s wrong because that would be hypocritical of
myself. If you do them, yes, you are hurting yourself and “hurting
others” and you may be having a good time, but sometimes drugs just
aren’t the answer to fix things.
*cancer?.. every women of age in my family has had breast cancer. One
day I more then likely will do. Breast cancer and skin cancer both run
in my family. And I hope that one day there is a cure.
[[fill in the blanks]]
*i am a very _outspoken_ person.
*i love _friends_.
*simpliiSWEET = _love_ .
*i wish _there was a way for me to see my bestfriends more often_.
*one thing i wish i could change in this world is _that people would be
able to accept others for who they are. ie. gay, straight, black, white
*__inmyworld is one member in simpliiSWEET that seems the most like me.
*through simpliiSWEET i hope to _make more friends and be an active participant_.
*one thing i think simpliiSWEET really needs more outspoken people..
*i want to be in simpliiSWEET because _I have missed it sooooooo much :-/_ .
now write 3-5 lines about a strong opinion you have. make it something that we don't hear about often.
Tech, this isn’t following the rules, but is the one I feel strongest
about. Gay Marriage well, not marriage parse but rights ect. One of my
best friends is gay, I found out a couple of months ago. He’s by
far the nicest sweetest person that I have ever met.. ever. But
everyone finds the need to talk about him.. because he’s gay. You see
Nashua can’t understand the fact that some people do like people of
their same sex. Correction, most people can’t accept it. But I can. I
feel that just because a person is gay that they shouldn’t be
discriminated.. It’s like saying (not to sound racist) “I hate them
because.. they’re black” well, if you were to not hire someone because
they were black wouldn’t you get sued? Racism isn’t only with the color
of your skin.. It can be with anything, your gender, age, or even
sexuality. I just wish that we could all just accept it.
[[promote us in 1 community && 1 journal && then show us the links. i will check if you actually did it.]]
http://www.livejournal.com/community/_x_lovely_o_/40784.html?view=90704#t90704 [[ok now add 3-10 CLEAR pictures & youre set]]
that's all :)