Bad day.

Jan 18, 2006 21:14

So today was a real bad day.
The cat shit on my floor.
And my mom bitched at me.
Wawa made my sandwich wrong.
So I got bitched at some more.
Everything fell out of the freezer.
So I got bitched at for that too.
Then I got fired because I said "fuck".
She's "fucking" psychotic.
So I lost my job.
&& decided to say "fuck" school.
I looked up some cosmotology schools around here.
For like after I graduate.
I don't plan on going to college.
&& I cleaned out my car a little bit.
But turns out, my "fucking" psychotic mother is taking that away too.
So I have no job.
No way to pay the insurance for the car I won't have soon.
But she still has ALLLLLLL her "fucking" bottles.
I'm so sick of her.
She's such a mean alcoholic.
&& I've had enough of it.
I think she really wants me to fail.
It'll make her happy.
Because the only happiness she gets, is from others misery.
Well, everyone EXCEPT her side of the family.
Their P-E-R-F-E-C-T.
&& I'm so sick of being blamed for everything.
I try so hard, but it's NEVER enough.
I don't know what I'm supposed to do anymore.
I want to keep working.
By the way, who the fuck fires their own daughter?
That's some REALLL love mom. REALLL FUCKING LOVE.

Anyway, when Pauly got done work I took him home.
Then I got a Boost.
Then went over Gina's for a little bit.
I took her to get a Boost.
Then we went to McDonald's because I hadn't eatting all day.
I was starting to get dizzy and stuff.
Then we went back to her house.
I picked Pauly up when he was done dinner.
And we came back here.
Laid down && watched movies.
Then I took him home.
Bye bye.
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