Mar 19, 2006 22:43
Main Entry: hy·po·ther·mia
Pronunciation: -'th&r-mE-&
Function: noun
: subnormal temperature of the body -hy·po·ther·mic /-mik/ adjective
A while back, Dwayne had a birthday party at his house. Pretty cool stuff. I got to hang with Dwayne, Matt, Nate, and Kevin, and beat up dale. Bomberman 64 is best game EVER, and I rape faces at Super Smash Bros. Funny that we didn't touch the Gamecube or PS2, only Xbox360 and N64. Goldeneye and Perfect Dark was amazing as well, except we got raped by a PredSim. Halo 2 is incredibly gay and shitty. Worst game ever made.
This weekend.
Friday was worthless. Saturday was Japan Bowl. Kinda fun there, although it was dumb because competition was cheap. I finally got blueberry gum, I've been wanting that stuff since I was a little kid.
Today, wow. I've probably never laughed so hard, felt so cold, and felt so dumb in my life. Around 2 I went to Sarah's and we chilled until Sito and Gorica and John Perry came over. Awesome people. We chill again, and go off to get Shane. After getting Shane we go down to the riverbends river. Everyone got stuck in the mud except Sarah and I. Sitto even fell after getting stuck, twice. Funniest thing ever. I also pretty much owned Sitto as well. Fun stuff.
Afterwards after Shane runs off, we try to find him and he says he went across the river. So we're about to go across the river, and Shane shows up. We all pretty much decided to jump in, but didn't. And then I jumped in. COLD. The shock of the water was INCREDIBLE. John Perry, Shane, and I all swam across in our boxors. We finally get back to the bridge and freeze our asses off. Some guys wanted to talk to us, but we walked away, as we were wet, cold, and still in our boxors. John somehow lost his cell phone, so Gorica and I stayed behind as Sarah went to go get it. She didn't find it, and I froze. I thought I was gonna get hypothermia. I felt so stupid, but I have to say this was pretty much all worth it. March 19th.
This is to pretty much everyone that doesn't know Sarah, Shane, Gorica, Sitto, or John Perry. Else, go look at John Perry's lj. And Chloe, you missed out.