I don't know what to talk about.

Jun 07, 2006 20:54

I want someone to talk to.
Like, have a good, smart conversation.
About the world or something really interesting.

Anyway. School is ok. I still have D's and not so good grades.
I kind of miss straight A's, but I don't really care anymore.
I'm starting to hate Tuesdays and seeing my dad.
He doesn't know me like he should, I guess.
I haven't heard him yell in years. He yelled at me yesterday
for my attitude towards my mom, my grades, shrugging
my shoulders, and I think for when I corrected him about the SATs.
It reminded me of when I was 4 and I heard him yelling at my
mom. I was really scared and it was too loud for my liking.
We're not doing good with money, again. I need a job desperately,
but I have to wait until the summer is over. Oh, and I can't
get one unless I have B's or higher on anything.

I can't really stand anyone anymore. I need new friends or something.
Everyone is always depressed or angry about something.
And everyone in highschool is just so annoying. Haha.

I'm drinking this really good tea. Really good.
Meat grosses me out now. I don't know why.

Saturday, I plan on going to the city.
I told Eric I was definitely goung. I have to give him something.
Then Kristie should be going. Hopefully, we hang out.
I'm going in by myself, maybe just walking around aimlessly or
I don't even know what.

School ends in 2 weeks. Jon said "5 more days of learning".
Finals start next week. Dreading those.

I really want June 22nd to come. Not just for the end of school,
but for something I'm not going to mention. Hopefully that works out.

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