May 22, 2004 22:38
Oh man, it was so great tonight! i was so hyped. And I got to spend most of the night with Sean :">. I got a massage from him and he and I decorated his car because it was really dirty so we wrote all over it. There was one rule in decorating his car, neither of us was allowed to write "Wash Me." on it. But! I dented the dent proof car :D ME! Slash I dented the roof and don't ask how, I really hope no one notices. :-S. Anywho yes. Yours truly got a massage from Sean too...and its a REALLY good thing he kept making me laugh because I tend to make sex noises when I get massages. I can't help it they just come out!
Anywho yes, so much fun I'm really sad that its over though. Oh well. :(
I work tomorrow from 10-7 I have to get to the gym by 8:45 so I'll have time to take a shower and all. Ah well I'm off now.