Jun 11, 2005 11:45
yesterday around like six thirty or something steph came over and we swam. she was all proud of herself cause she went down the slide (and everytime she did she EEKKKKed). we were cool and figured out how to put a bucket on our heads so we could breathe while we were under water, even though she like stomped on my head. then my dad left and he left us $20 bucks to get pizza. after talking on the phone to nadia and she said she couldnt come =(, we attempted to order a pizza. so we call and we didnt know the guy was on the phone so hes like "HELLO HELLO" then steph gets on the phone and he was like "HOLD! ON!" hahahh. then we went upstairs and watched some of secret window and played with my dog, and my dog attacked steph, hahahha so then she was like threatening my dog with a shoe? i dont know, but then the pizza came and we ate like all of it, and i tipped the guy like $5 cause im an idiot and didnt know how much so we figured it out on stephs phone and it was only suppose to be like $1.50 or something. then the breakfast club came on so we came in the den and watched that, listened to BEVERLY HILLS and other stuff.. "JESUS WHO?!" "URBAN BITCH 696969". hahahh yeah that was fun, and we learned a new trick from the breakfast club ;). then she left at like 1015 or something so i just talked to troy and his friends and ate donuts and went to bed.
today i think me and britt are probably gonna swim or something, then im babysitting my cousins at 9 so that will be fun, those kids are soo freaking cute.
hahahah comment!
EDIT: yesterday i went to the mall with britt and we saw billy there, and he fell, it was hilarious to say the least, and i got a new bathing suit, skirt, flip flops and tunic, for vacation.. 6 DAYS.