1. Hello, what is your name? Lauren Marie
2. How are you? I'm pretty nifty right now..I'm stuck on hold on the fone with my work so i could be better...14 minutes and counting!!
3. How old are you? 17 & free to drive alone!
4. Are you a boy or girl? lauren marie...hmm doesn't sound like a name for something with a penis now does it? lol
5. Where do you live? Atco ~ It's in south jersey. We've got a racetrack, a movie theater, a supermarket, and a wawa. And that's pretty much it, but it's home & I wouldn't trade it for anything!
6. Music preference hmm? Oh wow! I don't really have a preferance I like pretty much everything. From Techno to Country lol!!
7. What are your favorite bands? there's hundreds but i'll give you a taste.... Finch, Rufio, John Mayer, Brad Paisley, Shania Twain, Dierks Bently, Louie Devito, Linkin Park, Billy Joel, Ac/Dc, Metallica, Led Zepplin, Maroon 5, Creed, Alter Bridge, Mindless Self Indulgence, The Faint, The Killers, The Early November, Hidden In Plain View, wow i could go on forever.
8. Favorite movies? Coyote Ugly, lotr 123, Gone in 60 seconds,
9. Why do you feel the need to be included in this super cool community? because. I'm one sexy muffin! Plus I read over the community & it seems like a cool one to be apart of! <3
10. Show us a funny picture.
11. Know any good jokes? Why did Raggedy Anne get thrown out of the toy box
Because she kept sitting on Pinnochios face yelling LIE TO ME!!!
haha it's sick i know but i love that joke!!
12. Some things you like: bowling. my boyfriend. music. my computer.
13. About yourself: i'm blonde. and 5 feet tall. i love concerts. i'm addicted to bowling. I love my boyfriend. He's amazing. I work two part time jobs and go to high school. I'm kicked out of my house and I have to actually move out on May 6th (my 18th bday :-()
14. Anything else you would like to say: Age doesn't matter. When two people fall for eachother nothing will stand in their way. i'm a firm believer in this because my boyfriend is 22 and i am 17 so there is a 5 year difference.
15. Please promote us with the promo banner in the info and give us a direct link:
http://www.livejournal.com/users/bl0ndette/16. Pictures please. At least 2, no more than 6. Make sure they are pretty clear.
^ on the right left is my friend crystal.
^to the left :-P the right is my friend Marky Mark!