(no subject)

Jul 21, 2006 21:50

.01. name. Jess
.02. age. 18
.03. gender. Grrrl
.04. sexuality. Straight.
.04.5. Status. wicked cool.
.05. location. Nova Scotia, Canada.

.06. what makes you so sexyhott?. I like to wear the same pants every day until they disintigrate. My clothes are dirty, my body is dirty, and i've got a ring in my nose. I do what i want, say what i want, and stand up for what is right without fear of rejection.
.07. whats your best physical feature in your opinion?. my knees. hands down. hah.
.08. what are your best/worst qualities?. i'm shy and self concious. this makes it difficult to hold good conversations for too long and to make friends.
.09. three traits about yourself [description]. 1. i'm short, a mere 5'1. 2. i wear my hat every day and i feel i look odd without it. 3. i'm a shitty feminist. i don't mean shitty as in feminists suck, i mean shitty as in i'm not a very good one.
.010. who directed you to this community?. why the livejournal search engine.
.011. how can you contribute to this community?. i'm a grrrl with an opinion on everything.
.012. Favorites [put as many as you want]
Tv show: the only show i ever watch is the colbert report, so i guess that counts.
Sport: i don't play sports. does dumpster diving count?
Movies: scarface and alien 1-4
Ice cream flavor: strawberry
Color: black, green.
Bands/singer: against me!, johnny hobo and the freight trains, and tom frampton
Junk food: popscicles.
Fast food: is subway fast food? if not, burger kind. they have delicious veggie burgers.
Disney character: aladdin maybe. i also used to think Ed from the lion king was hilarious.

.013. who is your role model and why?. i don't have role models. i feel that role models are for people too afraid to walk their own path.
.014. pet peeve and why?. when people don't put cd's/tapes/records back in their proper cases.
...Give us your opinion...
.015. drug/alcohol usage. i personally do not use drugs. i used to be pretty heavy into marijuana but it just got boring. i don't think i would ever suggest that anyone start using drugs, but i also have nothing against those who do. unless of course they become gross addicts. alcohol is one of my best friends, but i don't support stupid kids (16 and younger) drinking.
.016. racism. racism is disgusting. it's difficult to live in a world where people believe in a "master race"
.017. gay Marriages. i'm all for it.
.018. abortion. 'm pro-choice. a woman's body is her property. how she uses it is her choice, and her choice alone.
.019. current generation. by this i assume you mean pre-teens and what not of today. i think a lot of them deserve a good beat-down. the other day my young friends and i were harrassed by a couple of stupid kids on the way home and it made me sick. people actually raised these kids to be this way.
.020. promote us on at least two journals/communities and provide the links. ah, give me a moment or two. i'll edit this and post the links.
.picture time.


drunken bums aint got no class.

body shooot.

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