.01. name. libbi pickup
.02. age. 16
.03. gender. female
.04. sexuality. straight
.04.5. Status. single
.05. location. london, UK
.06. what makes you so sexyhott?. ive got something about me. whether its good or bad you decide. if i meet you im friendly, but if you're awkward i won't hang around. I'm not shallow, but I'm not attracted to ugly people. At least I'm honest, right?
.07. whats your best physical feature in your opinion?. My eyes.
.08. what are your best/worst qualities?. best qualities, by honesty and ability to put wht I mean into words. worst? probably being a bit shallow.
.09. three traits about yourself [description]. well you can see from the photos, so how about i tell you something they wont show you? i have small hands and feet. my eyes go bright blue when i cry. i have alot of freckles on my knees.
.010. who directed you to this community?. no one, i was just browsing :)
.011. how can you contribute to this community?. i'll give my honest opinion to people, but if they aren't attractive to me (cos hey they'll be beautiful to someone) i'll tell them, and give them pointers to improve.
.012. Favorites [put as many as you want]
Tv show: that '70's show. will and grace. documentrys on other people's lives.
Sport: horse riding and ballet.
Movies: patch adams, sunshine of the spotless mind, forest gump.
Ice cream flavor: mini milk chocolate!
Color: red, for passion, danger and love.
Bands/singer: usually i dont like bands, jus like one or two songs from them, but say anything and valencia are two exceptions.
Junk food: i tend to avoid junk food. but i do like the occasional pizza, or burger from mc donalds.
Fast food: hamburger from mc donalds.
Disney character: princess dot! from bugs life :)
.013. who is your role model and why?. tom hanks or robin williams, dont make me chose. they are such talented actors, and they worked so hard in their life to get where they want.
.014. pet peeve and why?. racists. what gives them the right to decide people of another colour are worse than them?
...Give us your opinion...
.015. drug/alcohol usage. i can't stand drugs. i wont touch them. ive seen too many friends get addicted. alcohol, in moderation is fine, but it's not neccesary in my life.
.016. racism. argh. hate it. with a passion.
.017. gay Marriages. as a christian i guess i shouldn't agree. i won't be in one, but each to their own.
.018. abortion. sometimes its neccesary, but it should be avoided, but if the child will just have a poor quality of life, and maybe even given away, its an option.
.019. current generation. filled with vanity, and desperation for being a non-conformist. i for one wish not to stand out, and it makes me sick how people are so desperate for the most 'picture comments' or friends on myspace. live a little and step away from fake lives through the internet.
.020. promote us on at least two journals/communities and provide the links. (see promo code below).
http://community.livejournal.com/photo_whoring/500.html http://misusedwords.livejournal.com/57672.html?mode=reply .picture time.
more about me.
Want to make an impression on me? I'll notice the little things.
I think really thin people are beautiful.
I'm a christian.
I love people who are natural and know what they want.
I treasure this moment, where for the first time in my life, everything fits.
In unison everything moves.
This is true beauty.
I don't sit back and let things pass me by. If I want something I'll get it. Although if it means hurting a friend, then I'll move on and over. I don't need everything. Although if you hurt one of my friends, you won't be passed over. I'm not hard. I not lairy, I just known they'd do the same for me, and surely you'd do the same for your friends? Wouldn't everyone, but ah, aren't you a non-conformist? Don't conform to the idea, good idea may i add, of standing up for your friends, because everyone else is. I like to keep busy, keep doing things, so if you see me, mention something interesting. About decent english literature, drama, music you like. Make me remember you.
I'm loud. I can be insecure, but I blame that on hormones. I call myself by my middle name Libbi, since if you think you can call me what you want, then I can call myself what I want.