What a Wonderful Night!

Oct 21, 2004 01:15


Isn't it wonderful to see the Yankees, after being up 3-0 pull off the biggest collapse in the history of the Major Leauge Baseball playoffs?

Isn't it wonderful to enter an off-season without hearing the gloating?

Isn't it wonderful to see the Yankees fail to win after being just 3 outs, and then just 6 outs away from victory?

Isn't it wonderful to see the Boston Red Sox celebrate on the field of Yankee Stadium?

Isn't it wonderful for Boston fan's to shout back "Who's Your Daddy?"

Isn't it wonderful to see cheaters like A-Rod learn that playing fair is the only thing that brings a win?

Isn't it wonderful to just wait for the volcanic erruption of George Steinbrenner?

Isn't it wonderful to watch the Red Sox break the curse so that we will never need to hear about the "Bambino" again?

Red Sox Win!!!!.....Yankees Loose...

Isn't it Wonderful?
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