(no subject)

Sep 16, 2006 09:40

today we have a show in providence. its at six. but we have to be there at 3?. i could see 4 or 5, but 3? oh well. im kind of excited to play, mostly because mike nutini is playing with us, and its a reunion but also because we haven't played in a while.  college is pretty good so far, i mean the work is kind of hard, but its cool, seeing people you haven't seen in a while and then meeting new people in new classes, its awesome! and the firefighter thing is going good. you just go there whenever pretty much, chill out, hang out, talk, bullshit, and then go to a call whenever there is one, i have to take firefighting 1 & 2 in january, and then pass those courses so i can become a certified firefighter. right now, I'm what they call a "probe" which is a probationary firefighter and that means you're over 18 but you can't go inside a burning building or anything but i can run hoses and get all the other equipment. sweetness. well, at cutler mills i only work 3 days a week, so that takes a lot off my shoulders, which is nice. next week i'm going to probably work like 4 days. oh well. its better than 6 or 7. haha.

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