
Sep 01, 2004 11:26

1-welcome.htm (start)
Align the table with the pages right margin

the tables border and cell padding should be 5 pixels

the border color should be white. The table background should be equal to the hexadecimal color 800FF.

within the table insert a single cell 180 pixels wide, with the text aligned with the top of the cell. Insert the contents of "letter.htm" file into the cell.

Save your changes to welcome.htm


Create a table 620 pixels wide with cell spacing and cell padding values of 5 within the file

In the first row of the table, insert a single cell two columns wide containing the image "dlogo.jpg." Center the contents of the cell.

The second row of the table should contain two cells. The first cell should be 100 pixels wide, spanning three rows. It should contain the contents of the "events.htm" file, aligned with the cell's top border

The second cell should be 520 pixels wide. It should contain the contents of "welcome.htm" that you just created and be aligned with the top border of the cell.

The tables fourth row contains a single cell 520 pixels wide. In this cell, insert the contents of address.htm and center it horizontally within the cell.


Can anyone figure this out?
I have been fidgiting around with this same
thing for the past week or two..
and i just cannot get it to register..

if anyone could help me..
ill make them dinner!!

cause im about to flip my lid.

-all my love
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