Feb 16, 2006 00:37
I hate people who think they know about New Orleans and what it was like BEFORE the hurricane. and to say things like "Nagin hasn't held up well AT ALL". Screw them.
You know what? He slipped and said maybe something he actually thought. I don't even care that he said "Chocolate city" anymore.
He has been a good mayor up until that statement and everyone turned their back on him. I can understand the problem, I really do. Because it hurts me, that he would say that.
And people who say that FEMA and Government funding should pull out until he apologizes, can kiss my ass. Why punish others for his mistake?
And as for Kathleen Blanco, she's been useless since before she was elected. BOBBY JINDAL SHOULD HAVE WON AND EVERYONE KNOWS IT.