Weekend update

Oct 03, 2006 14:04

The weekend is over but still it's a day off over here - public holiday. Don't worry, I will not go on telling how wonderful it is that there is one united Germany now... ;)

Didn't go to Hannover on Friday for the Orkus Festival Club Tour. Would have gone if it had been in Hamburg but as I didn't really want to see any of the bands I though it wasn't worth going to Hannover for it. Instead, I had a nice ladies' afternoon / evening with julimond_com.

Spent the most part of Sunday installing my mother's new computer. Or rather tried it as there seems to be some hardware failure. The computer always broke down after a short while with a blue screen, both with the pre-installed XP Home as well as with the freshly formatted, newly installed XP Media Edition. Guess she'll have to deal with Siemens/Fujitsu hotline!

Yesterday was Tonwerk-Revival-Party. For those of you who who don't know: Tonwerk used to be the old Friday club. Due to various circumstances (aka known as Gory, the owner/manager) this club as more and more deserted and closed 4 years ago. Now, 2 friends rent this place twice a year to organize a revival party.
I still have very precious memories connected with the Tonwerk as this is where I met most loads of people, we spent half the evenings standing outside, walking to the nearby Gas station to buy cheap drinks and just having a great time.
And last night was fun too. We started with Vorspiel, just like old times. Somehow the Tonwerk-Revival-Party seems to be one of the few occasions where you get to meet all the nice people you don't get to see all year round. So it was more of a meet&greet than just another night out. Looking forward to the next party at Easter!

Today will be a quiet day - extreme couching :)
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