[ feels like...
sleepy ]
My sis got a hamster on Wednesday. We weren't sure of the sex, so we named it "Hammy temporarily till we knew what it was. But then we assumed it was a girl, so Ishe named it "Tinkerbell. But then we found out it was a boy, so "Rufus" *from Kim Possible* it was. The hamster is really cute, I swear. Now I want a hamster. And a ferret. But we aint allowed them in Queens, goddamnitt.
I finally got the "Mean Girls" DVD. I wanted to get it a long time ago, but never did. Now I have it. While screencapping, I made this:
. It's totally snaggable. Just give credit where its due :)
I started watching Instant Star because I really need to get into more fandoms. If there is one for it. (?) Does anybody know where I can get IS screen caps? I wanna make icons...
This is why I'll watch almost every new show the upcoming fall season.
Anyone ever play Kingdom Hearts for PS2? I lost it 2 years ago, never beat it. I recently found it again, and started a whole new game because I was verrry lost in the last world. This game is so frickin fun. Mainly because they make Disney characters really ghetto.
Can anyone post a tutorial, give me advice or something about how to make good headers? I suck at them. So yah. I'll be verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry grateful and I'll worship the computer you type and make graphics upon. :)