i'm only as strong as the coffee i drink and the hairspray i use.

Jun 25, 2007 01:27

you know who's really sexy? vincent d'onofrio. also vince vaughn. and tim roth.

oddly enough, all three of them are in The Cell. who knew?! i flipped it onto USA and there they were, all 3 of them. also, i forgot how actually, legitimately good this movie is.

in other news, i NEED these shoes. NEED NEED NEED:

tomorrow? gym. american apparel.
actually, being in katy is kinda nice and relaxing. after 2 weeks of non-stop craziness and constantly being up n out until 5am or later, it's nice to stay in and watch movies.

new red nailpolish is sexy. in 10 minutes i'll find out how i look as a blonde again.
i feel bad because for the 3rd night in a row i'm blowing off willie. oops. but i mean, i'm in houston! what can i do? and yesterday he called me at 4am and i was really tired and not in the mood. blah.

it's weird to think that my birthday is on tuesday. it always feels so far away and then i sort of.. forget? about it until a few days before and suddenly it pops into my head and i think "oh god! it's almost my birthday!"

please be at my party on friday. thanks. love.
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