May 21, 2007 20:33

damn this shit is old. back from the days of living in an apartment and having a boyfriend? wha'?

bored and horny
Nov 26, 2006 at 12:08 AM
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today i had sex twice. for 2 minutes each. he came both times. i came neither. this is what happens after 6 days without sex. i think we were both on the verge of turning into animals. oh well. there's always tomorrow.


sweet, sweet sunday. i'm never excited about sundays unless they are the days i get to return to civilization aka AUSTIN.

don't get me wrong, i love my parents. so so much. but there is nothing to do here. i've already finish a book and started another, watched movies and television etc etc. tonight i had dinner with bk and his parents at the Yao Ming restaurant. a basketball player with his own restaurant? what? why?! it wsa decent. my broccoli was cold.

yesterday i went to the galleria with alex n. we had a glam lunch at bennigan's including vodka tonics and martinis and i began xmas shopping at urban outfitters and got jeans. finally.

thanksgiving moderately fun. lucas was obnoxious and rude to me and sweet to my parents and i strongly dislike him although all the women swoon at the sight of his argentinian perfection. prick. carol and i talked at length and i miss her.

vodka with my antibiotics was definitely not one of my best ideas. and i believe it enhanced my hunger.

how lame to be alone at 2am on a saturday night watching the Amazing Race. ai ai ai.


last sunday at elysium i wore my wolf hat and a woman fondled me and then bought me a shot of vodka. the she fondled me again while her russian boyfriend stood by and laughed. how awkward.
god is in the rain
Nov 4, 2006 at 12:38 AM
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a weird funk has set in over my life recently and while i'd like to rationalize it down to a few logical reasons why and have it be completely explained and understandable, i feel like there is so much more behind my bizarre thoughts and irrational outbursts.

officially noted as dead as of october 31, 2006. age 47. halloween seems a funny day to die. exactly a week after a car accident. my mom can't drive past the intersection because the broken post is still there, the tire marks, fucked up foliage etc. 47 is too young to die.

i was shocked by how upset i was, how hard i was hit. bobby says i'm depressed. i keep crying hysterically in random outbursts, completely unprovoked.

i stopped taking the pill. it resulted in the most painful cramps of my life. ever. i could barely move i was in so much pain.

i really have nothing else to say. i got a new phone since the old motorola crapped out on me. as soon as mr. ct t-mobile put my sim card in the new "charcoal razr" my phone began to beep incessantly. 8 new text messages. i lost my ring tones and most of my phone numbers, but it's trivial and phone numbers can easily be reinstated. if i care to track down certain people. clearly, if i don't, their numbers were never that important to begin with.

being back home with the parents and without my sister here is a little bizarre. i keep forgetting that she too is in college and in austin, just like me. only i'm on my way out and she's coming in.

there's a stream of vomit down the passenger side of my car. it's dried and congealed since the night bk vomited out the window after telling me he loved me. i'm not sure if that's a step up or down from him telling me i-love-you while tripping on shrooms. and he wonders how i can be so skeptical.

amazon finally bestowed upon me my order of three delicious books.

Pornified: How Pornography Is Transforming Our Lives, Our Relationships, and Our Families

Valley of the Dolls (Susann, Jacqueline)

and the most wonderful of them all (well, the only one i've read thus far):

Female Chauvinist Pigs: Women and the Rise of Raunch Culture

ifc is playing lost highway (aka: gert's fave lynch film) which i've never had the privelege of finishing seeing as how the volume on my laptop never worked when i tried to watch it before.

the concoction of vodka/gin/fresca is not working fast enough and i'm still horrendously sober, depressingly lonesome and completely terrified of this film.

good night.

toxic tar and the reindeer nose
Oct 26, 2006 at 6:16 PM
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i'm sick. disastrously, mercilessly sick. for someone who loves being in bed so much, i'm pretty damn sick of it.
why isn't vox compatible with safari yet? this is infuriating.

a new obsession: ice-t's rap school on vh1, please help! i can't stop watching it!

some bizarre little moments from my life recently:
being asked to star in porn by a middle-aged man in a ghetto red car. he asked for directions and then asked if i did any acting. and then told me i could make $1500 a shoot. honey, i may be 21 but i'm not an idiot.

Cansei de ser sexy - let's make love and listen death from above
going to see css (for the 2nd time) with ladytron last saturday. css completely outshone ladytron, how were they only an opening band?! ladytron stood and pouted for most of the set with minimal audience interaction. they girls (any boy!) of css talked, jumped, screamed, crowd surfed, dedicated a song to aaliyah, covered missy elliott and were just generally cute, brazilian and bubbly.
rumor had it that beauty bar hosted an after-party, but my cru and i had to atten jarjar's party. gert and m-c left after about five minutes and chassaing, resrie and everyone else slowly drifted out. only kateru and i were left by the end of the night (of our lil group). jd, the pollack and other lovely lovelies were there too, but not my favorite.
i love drinking Veuve Clicquot from the bottle!

i can't stop smoking even when sick. i know i'll regret it after the first inhale, but.. i guess this means addicted?
bk has been treating me well and taking care of me, cooking, bringing medicine.. even sleeping in the same bed despite the fact that he'll end up as sick as moi.

oh lord! chain reaction is ony gsn. my love of tv is beginning to become unhealthy.
my nose is red and pained. also, i'm hungry.
tomorrow night is the beauty bar/factory people post-3rd birthday/halloween bash! followed by 2 more halloween parties and yours truly has no costume. is this the part where i start panicking?
also, i have no money with which to purchase said costume.

Photo 173
anyway.. i've applied at American Apparel and will go by several other places to apply when i'm healthy. i've also just blown $43 at amazon. damn them recommending you books based on what you've read! i can't say no!
is anyone else obsessed with librarything.com to an obsessive degree?
it's better than last.fm

kateru is editing her film again and EV is flying to LA with l-teezy for a press junket on a few movies. Tenacious D and the Pick of.. Whatever is one of them and i forget the other. damn those journalists! the paper is paying for everything! flight, hotel, all expenses! i need an equally as amazing job.. at least until i become famous

time to make a sandwich, watch game shows and read..

Invisible Monsters

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Awkward and Uncomfortable Part 1
Sep 19, 2006 at 4:04 PM
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I am currently at Spiderhouse with my lovely roommate Kate.

While studying, I realized I needed to pee.

Such a necessity is common after a Sofia Coppola wine and an Iced Toddy.

Upon my return from the bathroom, as I headed to the patio, I realized the skirt of my dress was caught in my underpants.

This realization came about from a need to remove a wedgie.

I then hurriedly sat down hoping no-one had noticed my beige pants hanging out from a bunched up green dress.

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meg and i are finally jumping on the blog bandwagon. watch out atx.
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