(no subject)

Jul 24, 2004 21:19

stolen from hyun soo

*1. Initials: tam
*2. Natural Hair Color: reddish-auburn
3. Hair Color Currently: reddish-auburn-burgandy-blonde
*4. Eye Color At Birth: blue
*5. Eye Color Currently: blue-green-grey
*6. Height: 5'7
*7. Glasses/Contacts: none
*8. Birthplace: la mesa, ca
*9. Sign: gemini
*10. Current Age: 14
*11. Siblings' Names: sisters, alicia and denise, half sister brittney
*12. Location: San Diego
*13. School Attending: none right now?
*15. GPA: 2.9 ish
*16. College Plans: evergreen state
*17. Planned College Major(s): not sure yet
*18. Planned College Minor: Photography
*19. Any Piercings: haha ears
*20. Any Tattoos: no

*1. Girl Friend(s): elise debra and whitney.
*2. Guy Friend(s): hanson
*3. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: yes :-D
*4. Current Crush: um im not sure if it's still a crush?
*5. Hobbies: hanging out with friends, talking on the phone, AIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and pretending i can play guitar
*6. Pager: what is this, the early 90's?
*7. Are You Center Of Attention Or Wallflower: you tell me
*8. What Type Automobile Do You Drive: my feet?
*9. What Type Automobile Do You Wish You Drove: '67 candy apple red mustang
*10. Would You Rather Be With Friends Or Dating: tough choice
*11. Where Is The Best Hangout: grossmont haha
*12. Do You Have A Job: no

*1. Who Is Your Role Model: BRITNEY SPEARS
*2. What Are Your Pet Peeves: ok lets see if i can get everything that makes me mad : ugly people, slow drivers, stupid people, christian music, american pride, my boat shoes that are still too big, SCENE KIDS, when people leave the dryer door open so the dryer lights are still on, annoying whispering, when my mangos go bad, sitting for long periods of time....yeah, there's more
*3. Have You Ever Been In Love: I think I am
*5. Have You Ever Cried Over The Opposite Sex: yes
6. Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go For? i dont think so
*7. Have You Ever Lied To Your Best Friend(s): yes
*8. Ever Wanted To Get Revenge on Someone: yes
*9. Ever Been Cheated On: yes
*10. Ever Said I Love You To A Significant Other: yes
*11. Rather Be Dumper Or Dumped: i dont care? what a stupid question
*12. Rather Have A Relationship Or A "Hookup": relationship
*13. Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now: no
*14. Ever Liked Your Best Guy/Girl Friend: kinda
*15. Do You Want To Get Married: yes
*16. Do You Want Kids: yes
*17. Do You Believe In Psychics: yes
*18. Do You Believe In Love: yes
*19. What Is Your Favorite Part Of Your Body: shoulder.
*20. What Is Your Favorite Part Of Your Emotional Being: what?
*21. Are You Happy With You: sometimes
*22. Are You Happy With Your Life: sometimes
*23. Are You Scared Right Now?: no
*24. Depressed?: no
*25. If You Could Change Something In Your Life Right Now, What Would It Be?: the way my mom feels about ryan :(

*1. Sports Team: packers
*2. Room In house: computer room or my room
*3. Girl's Name: i donno
*4. Guy's Name: buttsex?
*5. Person to talk to about your problems: hanson
*6. Songs: la woman hahaha
*7. Movies: old school, not another teen movie, half baked, snl's best of will ferrell
*8. Actors/Actresses: jason schwartzman, brittney murphey
*9. Beverage: cold lemonade made from REAL lemons with 8 pounds of sugar taht you can feel in your teeth when you sip it up :)
*10. Candy: reeses
*11. Family Member: dad or aunt linda
*12. Salad Dressing: vinnegarette
*13. Blanket/Stuffed Animal: the flamingo
*14. Favorite quote from a t.v. show: "I've got a fever. And the only perscription is...more cowbell"
*15. Day of The Week: friday
*16. Color: green
*17. Perfume And Cologne: ralph lauren's "cool" or clinique"happy"
*18. TV Show: snl
*19. Flower: yellow rose
*20. Food Place: sandiego sandwich company
*21. Game: i donno
*22. Teacher: mishta dawow
*23. Love Song: PONK RAWK LUV
*24. Clothing: levi's 524 extra super friggin low stretch.
*25. Possession: not sure
*26. Vacation Spot: canyon de guadelupe
*27. Person To Give Advice To: i dont have a favorite
*28. Person To Get Advice From: hanson
last cigarette: a couple weeks ago
last car ride: about an hour ago
last kiss: last night
last good cry: last night
last library book checked out: pRiNcEsS dIaRieS (im not kidding)
last movie seen: the best of will farrell
last book read: some weird horse book i read to my cousin
last cuss word utterered: fuck
last beverage drank: some strawberry soda
last food consumed: sandwich
last crush: ryan i think
last phone call: elise
last tv show watched: i dont remember
last time showered: yesterday
last shoes worn: red vans
last cd played: who will cut our hair when we're gone?
last downloaded: dont remember
last annoyance: hahahaha
last soda drank: strawberry soda
last thing written: this
last word spoken: mom
last sleep: a couple hours ago
last weird encounter: i donno
last time hugged: yesterday
last time scolded: i donno
last webpage visited: livejournal
1 MINUTE AGO I WAS: talking to jamie
1 HOUR AGO I WAS: singing
1 DAY AGO I WAS: being happy:)
1 WEEK AGO I WAS: camping
I LOVE: ryan
I FEAR: THE REAPER just kidding, no, you're the fag.
I MISS:debzz
I NEED: to pee
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