Oct 24, 2004 21:41
ok i have to give a little some up of the weekend. well i found out i didnt have a game untill sunday, thursday night and came up with an idea. haha yep.me and some players decided to go to my home and drink and play some pull thursday night and then wake up and go tubing (what you know about tubing). so we did. we went tubing with cutthroat and stuff, yabadee dababee then we went to the football game where i saw alot of akward poeple. then hung out with moe and nat (aww i love nat nat) untill they had to do some camping thing wich i heard got ambushed with H20. no good. then weirdly standing at club 7-ll a cop pulls in doing 100mph gets out runs in and byes a dr pepper then pulls out doing like 100. so umm we follow him somehow and found this girl sitting in the window aof a 3 story beach house. we climbed on frans beach house and watched wich pissed her off indeed. she lived. ummm then saturday me nick lu lu and mogie bill quigs..well a bunch of fuckers head up to bi concert and a party in orlando wich weezel could not attend. well we never got to the concert thanks to fair. but we got to t's and got drunk. yep. mogie sorry you didnt have a good time i wish i could have mad it funner umm some how but yea sorry. and much love to the o town fucks and to the maintaining b town boys and girls. and what you know about them boca folk. umm long trips on roads with mo dizzle thanks again and it was good to see people and my guys say they had a excelent time indeed. holla.