(no subject)

Aug 31, 2007 21:34

 Why does no one make quality stationary anymore? Do you have any idea how many stores I went to in search of some stationary? All anyone sells these days is blank note cards. Come now. How can I write a long, descriptive letter to a fond friend on a dumpy old NOTE CARD? I craved real stationary that would inspire me to flowery words and curvy scroll, for crying out loud. Now, let me not be a complainer. I did finally find some stationary. It was the ONLY kind there, and there was only ONE left, and they sold the paper separately from the envelopes. But yes. I have it and its pretty.

Also, why is it that nowhere I ever work for knows how to do the payroll? Seriously, the last five paychecks I have received have shorted me and I have had to go and fix it. Its a pain in the ass and I'm severely tired of having to go through the unsavory process of PROVING that I worked so many hours. I need money to pay bills. I know, strange concept, right? I need EVERY PENNY that I work for. I do not work for free. If my next paycheck is short, I'm going to turn into a hot ass mess. Or a ham, as Lillie would say.

I know that I work the standard forty hours a week with two days off, but its so crazy to adjust to when my weekend is actually Tuesday and Thursday this month. I'm not sure what the schedule will be after training is over, but for now I live on an unhealthy diet of Starbucks, tea, red bull and a variety of energy chews, drinks and pills. Minus the pills. I can't say I've ever had an energy pill, but I have thought on it often. Yet, I am still endlessly exhausted and cannot bring myself to be social, therefore I am upsetting friends who have less screwy schedules.

Can anyone say dark chocolate peanut M&Ms? I wish they were dark chocolate PEANUT BUTTER, though. :[

Seriously, I eat maybe one "meal" a day and nothing else. My damn schedule has me all unhealthy and I'm just so eager for things to settle down and fall into place. Wild.
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