(no subject)

Aug 01, 2005 07:33

I'm back to this journal too many memories in this one that I can never leave behind. Let me see I recently got into an accident nothing major just a ticket for careless driving which is 85 bucks. I was driving and the girl who was with me pointed to my right saying there it is me thinking I had my right turn signal on well I didnt i had my left and when I went to go turn I turned right into some girls car. It happeend but I am going to go to court to plead not guilty to my ticket due to the fact that there were no injuries. Hopefully I'll get my points dropped cause that ticket is two points and it will cost a few hundred but its better to pay a few hundred then to pay a higher insurance cost. But anyways last night was amazing me and my two friends took a shot of Southern Comfort; anyone every have it? Some strong stuff but its so good haha. Anyways I got my check yesterday from the week that worked during the carnival and i worked so many hours because I would work from 7-4 leave to come back at 10 to slice rolls for the carnival food stands, and it was 490, how awesome is that thats amazing for me. I worked like a workaholic its insane but hey in the end its all work the hours you worked when its pay day. Other than that I haven't been doing much lately just enjoying my summer spending time with the ones who actually want to see me and nto just leave me in the dust

but lets just say one thing, I'm a fool for ever thinking I could get a chance, I'm a fool for ever listening to what others told me to think of you, & I don't want to get hurt again. I know if I don't take the chance again Ill regret it later but i just don't want to feel the way I did the first time, but there is something about you I can't quite put my finger on it but its.. ugh; what am I doing? =( I want to move on from you but then again I want to stay right where I am.
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