yeah im bored.. so heres a stupid survey

Aug 06, 2004 19:13

[name is]: Kate
[single or taken]: single
[sex]: Female
[bday]: 09.25.1987
[sign]: Libra
[siblings]: 1
[hair color]: naturally dark brown but, lighter with reddish brown highlights now
[eye color]: brown
[height]: 5'2
[in the morning i am]: lazy
[love is]: undecsribable
[i dream about]: you ;)

-W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X-
[what do you notice first?]: hair and eyes
[makes you smile]: Matthew, Tom :) oh and Ronnie Matthews lol..
[gives you a funny feeling when you see them]: depends

-W H O -
[last person u slow danced with]: Oh boy.. um.. Haha, I think Kevin Berger at Jr. Prom :)
[is easiest to talk to]: Dan
[are your best friends?]: Sammie, Tanae, Heather, Allison, Katie, Dan
[do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?]: Nope

-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-
[you talked to on the phone]: mi madre
[you instant messaged]: Candice
[you laughed with]: people at work
[hugged]: Lauren probably
[you yelled at]: most likely my mother
[you kissed]: ... :( Jon ::kills self::

-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
[could you live without the computer?]: haha no way
[what's your favorite food?]: pesto ;)
[whats ur favorite fruit?]: CHERRIES and peaches :)
[what hurts the most?]: when he says things and doesnt even realize he says them you stupid boys you
[trust others way too easily?]: Sometimes

-N U M B E R-
[of times i have had my heart broken?]: 1
[of hearts i have broken?]: im sure there's a few..haha
[of drugs taken illegally?]: if you count drinking as one..then thats it
[of close friends?]: id say about 6
[of cd's that i own?]: tooo many
[of things in my past that i regret?]: theres a lot i regret

[i know]: that you suck
[i want]: to talk to RJ.. and LoLa..
[i wish]: boys weren't so stupid
[i hate]: you
[i miss]: LoLa.. and RJ
[i fear]: rejection
[i hear]: birds chirping
[i search]: for a life? no umm idk
[i love]: Lauren Santoro :)
[i care]: about many people
[i cry]: when you do stupid things
[i confuse]: very easily
[i need]: him
[daydreamer]: yes
[brat]: I can be... but im far from spoiled
[sarcastic]: hell yes.
[goody-goody]: no way
[talkative]: yeah why not

f a s h i o n | s t u f f
[where is your favorite place to shop]: im cheap so anywhere where i can get cheap stuff :) except the dollar store, too crappy haha
[any tattoos or piercings]: My ears, no tattoos.. yet..
[what kind of shampoo do you use?]: Treseme Oo La La
[where do you want to get married?]: outside
[how many buddies are online?] id say about 20
[what would you change about yourself?]: i wouldnt change a thing.. im me and thats that you cant change who i am :)

f a v o r i t e s
[color]: baby blue
[boys names]: Jonathan, Michael, John, Billy :D
[girls names]: Emilie, Kylie, Allison
[subjects in school]: Art :)
[animals]: penguins!
[sports]: baseball, soccer

h a v e | y o u | e v e r
[given anyone a bath?]: uhh, my dog.. and there was that one time where me and lauren washed jesse's hair in her bath tub haha
[bungee jumped?]: yes, well no.. i did that thing at Six Flags...
[made yourself throw up?]: nope
[skinny dipped?]: no
[ever been in love?]: yeah
[made yourself cry to get out of trouble?]: maybe when i was little
[pictured your crush naked?]: heheh i mean what? noo
[actually seen your crush naked?]: well..not completely hey wait why am i telling you this?
[cried when someone died?]: yeah
[lied]: yeah only when i have to
[fallen for your best friend?]: no
[rejected someone]: i try not to cause thats not cool
[used someone?]: yeah
[done something you regret?]: yeah

c u r r e n t
[clothes]: Jeans and a pink and black striped shirt
[music]: Iron Man - Black Sabbath
[make-up]: uh yes?
[annoyance]: this survey
[favorite group]: Twisted Method
[desktop picture]: Mark Wahlberg, who else?
[cd in player]: I think CKY, im not sure
[color of toenails]: Light Blue

a r e | y o u
[understanding]: yeah
[open-minded]: yeah very
[arrogant]: kinda
[insecure]: YES. VERY INSECURE
[interesting]: of course :)
[random]: oh yeah haha
[hungry]: a little
[smart]: nah not really
[moody]: hah you dont know we well enough if you have to ask that question
[hard working]: depends on what i working on
[organized]: somewhat
[healthy]: yeah sure
[shy]: not really
[difficult]: at times
[attractive]: I think not..some like some dont.. what i can i do? nothing. :)
[bored easily]: yeah
[messy]: kinda
[responsible]: yeah
[obsessed]: with Mark Wahlberg yes, anything else nah not really
[angry]: no
[sad]: sometimes
[happy]: sometimes
[trusting]: yes

w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
[kill]: you
[slap]: Joey Lauren Adams
[look like]: your momma
[all i need is]: a clue one two three maybe four.. haha :) song by Liquid Gang.. I dont need anything right now
[kiss]: Mark :) and him...

w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r
[coke or pepsi]: dont care
[flowers or candy]: flowers
[tall or short]: tall

d o | y o u | e v e r
[sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?]: i gave up on that a long time ago...
[save conversations]: dead aim used to save but it died on me so now i dont but if its a special one then i just might
[wish you were a member of the opposite sex?]: nah
[wish you were younger]: no
[cried because someone said something to you?]: yeah..

F i n a l | q u e s t i o n s
[do you like filling these out?]: not really but i have nothing better to do
[gold or silver]: silver
[what was the last film you saw at the movies?]: A Cinderella Story
[favorite cartoon/anime]: Rocko's Modern Life and Rocket Power
[what did you have for breakfast this morning]: I didnt eat breakfast this morning
[who would you love being locked in a room with]: RJ? :)
[would you color your hair]: Sure
[could you ever get off the computer]: yeah
[habla espanol]: Si.
[how many people are on your buddy list]: what is this a popularity contest? 102
[drink alcohol]: occasionally...
[like watching sunrises or sunsets]: sunset is cooler
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