MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! from santa's little helpers! ho ho ho!

Dec 24, 2004 15:21

So with the Harvard deadline steadfast approaching, along with my trip to Europe its no wonder im stressing...well actually not really just the thought of new years eve in paris just warms my shopping till the checks bounce! like that'll ever happen...and as i read others live journals it would seem that certain people will never grow up and will always remain sooo glad i have such wonderful, beautiful, and smart friends who arent conceited and will always have each others back...i guess papa's snobby approach is true..."the world needs stupid people that way we can make money"...its silly to think that dieting, hair dye, bronzer, or makeup will make them gorgeous and wanted...truly...those with a good heart are always beautiful...and those who are shady...well lets just say no amount of heavy concealer can mask your immature and ugly heart. thankfully i have my wonderful friends to keep me going through next semester...high school is so overrated especially when you have classes with drama queens, and kings in your AP CLASSES (you'd think that they're more mature)...just a little advice...grow up and get a life...things that you think are funny ruinning people's reputations...are lame and stupid....and will come back to bite you in the butt...and this goes out to everyone! I really feel sorry for must be a very sad and insecure person inside. :( Well now its time for this little Parisian to pack her brand new burberry bags *thanks mama* (bc Louis Vuitton is sooo going to crap thanks to knock offs) for her first class international flight on le Concorde to Berlin, Paris and London...Ciao...Au Revoir...Bon Voyage and good riddens!
<3 Sareh
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