Apr 04, 2005 20:24
it was dark inside your tummy, right? She looks here, looks straight, looks here, looks straight “yes”. Menny cries in the backseat i would yell at mom for that but i know mom didn’t do it because she’s up here. Don’t horrible at menny i would say but mom didn’t do it she’s driving. Sometimes i get mad at menny because she thinks her name is dir but i know its not, its menny. When she says her name is dir she frowns and says i dir, her eyebrows touch in the middle she does it when she hides between the bunkbed and the wall
i dir
Was it foggy in your tummy? Menny has gotten louder mom says no i don’t think so, i don’t think it was foggy. i think it was though i know it was and there was a black pole and a light on top and glass around the light i know they have fog and lights in England so i tell my mom i’m pretty sure i had been to England
You haven’t been
maybe when i was in your tummy because i’ve been to
California once but i was in your tummy? but she has never been to England
i say maybe London
Mom says London is in England
i forgot to look out the window i hadn’t been counting the trees
Menny is still crying i turn around tell her to shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and she does i know she likes me i like her but she doesn’t let me call her menny, we have to call her dir, and sometimes i get mad but i know she likes me
Even if she doesn’t know her name
Since i lost count of how many trees are outside i stare at myself in the mirror and the window i see i have blue eyes my dad says they are blue because i like blueberry yogurt a lot yogurt made by whitney’s but that’s silly because i know it is because i like rainy days and i’m always cold
if i were warm my eyes would be brown
Menny(dir) has brown eyes and freckles (like me) but she sucks her thumb (not like me) i have a goodpart from my lambskin and my pacifier my goodpart is good because it smells nice when i breathe on it and it’s warm
i am cold
My mom is warm
Menny(dir) is warm
Dad is warm but he is not with us right now because we are in the car and he is at work at counterpoint they have a batcave there and a playground outside. it is dark in the batcave it is where they keep their batmobile i think but i forgot to ask before
Mom i left my homework
This is the third time this week
i know
Where’d you leave it
i forget
Don’t talk until you know
i don’t talk but i keep thinking because i always lose things and my mom gets horrible at me i always forget things like i wanted to ask about the batcave
Did you remember
Remember what
Remember where you left your homework
Oh, no. maybe in the class somewhere but it could be at gym or out on the playground
The playground isn’t that much fun because the kids are stupider than me but i always get told not to think that
But it’s true but i bet they don’t forget things menny is drooling asleep sucking her thumb i don’t have to call her dir even in my head now because she won’t know because she’s asleep. She drools and snores, she always smells like saliva and she smells like when i open my mouth and breath in through my nose or when i lick my hand and then smell it
it’s a nice smell once you get used to it i know when she’s near me even behind me because i can smell her and she’s warm when you hug her and warm when you sleep next to her even though we have two separate beds
i have the top bunk now she has the bottom but sometimes i sleep with her because i get lonely and it’s so high up and i’m always cold like the white metal at the end of the bed that mom and tiffany and dad tell me not to put my mouth on “is that food?” “no” “then don’t put your mouth on it” it’s obviously not food, i know that, but it still feels good because even though i am always cold my mouth is warm and it feels good to be cold inside too
Laura! Where is your homework
Oh i don’t know i’m sorry and i cry but i don’t get told it’s okay because it’s not
it’s the third time this week
i know the days of the week.
once my mom shook me up when i was sleeping and said how do you spell Wednesday?! i said “wensday” and she told me NO and to get out of bed and to help clean the closet
this was the third time this week and yesterday was Wednesday and tomorrow will be Friday and the week will be over
i never did ask why she needed to know how to spell Wednesday
i never did ask why she woke me up
i didn’t even realize we were back at school and she was telling me to go find my homework, she was yelling because i wasn’t paying attention and menny(dir) started to cry i have to call her dir now because she’s awake even though she’s crying
if menny were crying before i would have told mom to stop horribling at her
But i think everyone’s mom horribles sometimes