Aug 29, 2005 02:30
I think its happened, i think i have finally broken down. Ive been sitting in the corner of my living room for the past hour on the verge of tears. I dont know whats caused it. I just dont think my life is worth it at all. I need someone to talk to. I have alot of problems that i need to solve, but there are so many and i cant handle it. I have finally broken... i have finally sunk. Usually i would be strong and get through it, but this time is different, im so weak, im so tired of all of this, i dont want to deal with it anymore. I just want all the pain to go away, i want to be numb. I wish that somehow i could explain this better, but right now i just cant think because my mind is so clouded. Im confused, i dont know what to do...
Here is my statement, loud and clear, so everyone will hear...
Ive given up. Life is not worth so much pain.