Aug 31, 2005 07:06

So I had my baby shower August 21st and things went perfectly well for me. I got tons of lovely gifts and lots of people came. In all the day was pretty nice and I even looked really cute that day with my new preggy outfit. Everyone had a good time and made my day oh so special. So we are doing a planned C-section on september 23rd. So now I have exactly 23 days left until Anastasia is here and I'm to psyched about it. To think Estiven and I are gonna be parents in 23 days. Well I must get going its early in the am hours and I must get things put together in my room for lil Ana Bear to have a place to feel comfty in. I also must pack my bag one of these days for the hospital you never know if I might end up going in early. I'm exactly 34 weeks 5 days and I was told the other day in the hospital that I was already 2 centimeters dialiated I forgot about the efaced part. But if I go early don't be to alarmed I'll be just fine just trying to make sure I'm ready for baby. Well I should get going so I can straigten up this room some and make it nice and pretty. :)

Well later all hope you enjoyed my update for august. :)

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