Mar 30, 2006 12:57
incase you were wondering why i never smile. here you go:
i am a really angry and hurt person because of things in the past that have happened to me. i try to remain versatile in my state of mind and hope that things will turn out okay. but i keep getting hit in the face with more and more things to deal with. i guess this is the life i have acclimated myself to. it's hard to stay happy and keep faith in people when i keep getting my mind played with, lied to, and fucked over. especially when you think you've found someone who could change the way you think about things or look at the world. then turns around and leaves you even more hurt and even more distrusting of the world and all its bullshit. basically i'm over all of it. i don't want to meet anyone new, because people are all the same, no matter what the fucking public service announcements tell you. i'm tired of giving everyone too many chances. i thought i found someone who changed me and made me so happy. the turned around and left me abandoned, and hating the world more than i did before. i just wish that some people could just tell the truth right away instead of dragging out a stupid fucking lie, that wasn't even that big of a deal in the first place. i haven't left my apartment for the past few days until today, because sweet, sweet evan wanted to smoke me out for his friend being a douche. i guess i'm just right back where i started.