Apr 02, 2006 23:43
Worst hangover ever.
I had so much to drink....holy shit, so here it goes. A friend was spending the night and my father left out the 190 proof after throwing a little party at our house. I made myself a nice little whiskey sour and added a little Ever Springs to it and it was fine; then I had some vodka(Three Olives is actually a damn good deal for the money; whoever reads this, keep that in mind.) and after that a few shots of Wild Turkey and I thought I was done for the night. Wrong. I took a one hour nap and at about 4ish I got up and drank some more. Three shots of Ever Springs(if anybody has ever had that, you know it burns) and then some more vodka and some more whiskey and then some burbon and I mixed this other shit with Red Bull. I passed out next to the toilet on the bathroom floor. Apparently, my friend picked me up and put me on the couch.
I probably took enough Advil and Vicodin to sedate a horse.
And this damn headache still won't go away.
This update was completely pointless.