Feb 07, 2006 05:19
It's 5:19 in the morning and I'm wide awake. Well I suppose I could tell you about my weekend and some other stuff.
On Friday, Crystal came over to sleep over but she soon had to go cause of her allergy to cats. I showed her Lonely Island and she liked it. The 'Bu Episode one. the channel 101 squirrel. I'm so happy Marnie showed me that. So fucking funny. We also ate at Bob's Big Boy. And the food was pretty good but I got full fast because I had a headache. x] But she left around nine. Which gave me time to call Marnie up.
On Saturday, it was the second day of Unconcert rehearsals from 8-4. For That Thing You Do I got partnered up with Christina. For Hot Hot Hot I got partnered up with Yuritzi. For Crocodile Rock I got partnered up with Patrick. And for one move this guy, that I kinda like gets to hold my hand for like 5 seconds. :) And For Build Me Up, Buttercup I got partnered up with Courtney. And we were dancing til lunch time. from 8-11. And we got to eat from 11-1. two hours. So Patrick, Hiline and I went to go to Yoshinoya and then got bobas. and hurried back to review all that we learned from that morning and the day before. Then I walked home and got ready to sleep over at Marnies. At Marnie's she showed me her christmas present she got me. It was Breakfast Club I was so thrilled I got it. No one ever got it for me. :) We watched it while I ate half of her box of candy with dinner. Then she tried to show me this tape she taped for me of Andy Samberg. And I saw a bit of it before I started to cry. Andy did an impression of Jimmy Fallon. It was so funny it was Jimmy Fallon at a funneral. "So Sad Man! So Sad!" Marnie and I recorded some songs before leaving to go on the internet in her moms room. We recorded "Look a Little Harder" "Leave Me Today" "Swing, Swing" and I think thats it. &We watched some of Lonely Island and a SNL sketch of Jimmy called "The Jeffreys." funny. On Youtube. Watch it. [nodnod] Then we left to go watch SNL. I didn't really pay attention to towards the end. Cause Jimmy Guest appeared, and I was so so so shocked and was like "...omfg." And I cried. yuh. I fell in love again. And we wne to bed at 2 in the morning.
On Sunday, it was Super Bowl Sunday, so her mom told us to get ready so we could go to the mall with her. We got ready in like 15 minutes. We to Burger King to eat something and headed for the mall. We had Sees Candies, and we took pictures in the Photobooth. Funfun. And Auntie Mona got stuff from this sports store to show some Steeler support. When we got back, I started putting on make up to show my Steeler spirit. ;] Then Marnie and I were on her mom's computer learning how to do some songs. She learned the Cigarette Song [My favorite song.] and The Last Song. Work was too hard. By Jimmy Eat World. And we picked up Nena who had lots of food with her. We started to get ready for the Super Bowl, I helped set up the table with food and stuff. And ate it was all so yummy. Steelers were really slow&rusty and didn't look like they would win for the first half. I got to my house in the second half and we were doing so much better. When I left Nena told me she loved me and that made me feel like 100% happy. And Marnie told me her dad called me a sweetheart. that pushed it up even more.
Yuh that was my weekend, Yesterday I didn't go to school cause I was too lazy to get up and my aunt couldn't take me cause she was too sick to. So she let me stay home. And I talked to Joey for a while and we were talking that maybe in the Summer she might fly here and she'd stay at my place for a couple of nights. That would be awesome. She&Ashley are the only people I want to meet. and it'll be too kickass.
&I also saw Jimmy Fallons new movie preview. Animation, but I don't care. it's his voice I screamed, and it comes out on the 24th. I'm gonna see it for fudging shure. omggg.
Well I gotta get ready for school now