Oct 26, 2005 15:52
Now, it's not only my Yahoo! Messenger that does not work, my whole pc keeps on restarting... and restarting, and restarting.
I mean, I'm happy that I brought the laptop home so that I can at least surf the web, but StarCraft and the fanfic that I've been working on is found there x_X.
Yeah, the writing gods hate me... when I finally have the drive and creativity to write something, something else comes and bites me on the ass.
Halloween's coming soon, which means I get to meet my friends again! Can't wait. ^_^ Although I'm still blank when it comes to costume ideas. x_X
The gaming bug has bit me. Right now, I'm in the midst of these video games:
o1. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
o2. Final Fantasy X (Yey for the Monster Arena :P)
o3. StarCraft
o4. Neverwinter Nights
I love having free time.
video games,