That was me about an hour ago XD.
I went ahead and decided that today was pamper
__nyx night so I went ahead and prepared a bath just for me :3. I got some aromatherapy up in my bathroom (peppermint :D, perfect for the season), got my laptop and popped in Season 4 of 30 Rock (which I haven't watched yet XD, yes, I'm behind the times). I then turned on the hot water tap, opened the bathroom window to let some of the cool air in and went ahead and relaxed the next 45 or so minutes away.
I feel like
Tumblr has brought out the romantic in me (and not exactly, romance, romance per se, more on what the romantic period was about = intuition, imagination, and feeling). I blame those clichéd blurry photographs of random backgrounds with cheesy one-liners placed in it with either Helvetica or Times New Roman.
I've also been somewhat productive in the creative front. I'm semi-done with the artwork I've been working on, I've finished a chapter of the book, I'm also trying to play around with textures in Photoshop. Right now, I'm currently debating whether I should just go on and delve into the intricacies of Tumblr CSS coding. I've been using pre-made layouts the whole 6 months or so that I've been on Tumblr and while they are really nice and stuff, I've always liked my websites to have my own twist to them. So right now I'm trying to look into the skeletal coding behind some of the layouts to check out the classes and how they are customizable.
The thing is, most Tumblr users LIVE through their dashboard (I sure do) and after following a particular website that I like, I barely go to their sites anymore. So I'm not sure as to purposeful it would be, but let's see :D.
I'm also trying to find out why I've been having so much free time doing all these things lately and I finally realized that it was because I have no main video game to occupy my time. Sure there's Rock Band and Guitar Hero but those are games that I can pick up for about an hour or so before my wrists start complaining. I have had no video game fall back these past few months. Heroes of Newerth has overshadowed DotA and right now, I'm not feeling like joining any tower defense games. So instead of trying to kick another person's ass through the internet, I'm here fresh off a mint bath making cheesy graphics.
Did someone steal my brain and exchange it with someone else's while I wasn't looking? *side eyes everyone*