I just felt like posting :D, even with the ludicrous amount of school work school has imposed on us >:
First off, a meme stolen from
direradiance 1 - Go to the
Superpower Wiki.
2 - Click the “Random page” button on the left hand side once. Only once.
3 - Revel (or dismay) in the fact that this is your new superpower. But I bet it’s awesome even if it’s crappy because you now have a goddamn superpower. Who wouldn’t want a superpower? No one, that’s who. Unless you’re a dude and you get Pregnancy, which admittedly kind of sucks as far as powers go. Sorry about that.
4 - Post the results. No cheating!
I got::
Money Ray = The user is able to draw non-existential money at one's own will.
Users may shower upon their riches upon others, allowing subjects to be presented with the universe's currency. This ability may cause harm and damage depending on the velocity of the use. A multitude of coins are scattered upon the field. The value presented is equal to the proportion of a user's skill for each time it is used. These coins are picked up afterward if the users wishes so.
- Retrieving currency
- The use of the ability may be heavily affected by a stronger attachment of one's own sentiments and will.
- May be unable to draw upon universe's established currency.
- May not draw upon power for luxury.
Although I do have to come clean, I've already tried this meme when it was floating through Tumblr. And for that try I got
Precognition which made me laugh because, Crawford XD.
Oh and I do have glasses o-o. Does the whole, my physical "sight" is weakened because of my increasing precog "sight" apply here? :p
So basically I can divine the future in Tumblr world, but in LJ I can be filthy, filthy rich! Hmm, I wonder which one is more useful?
And before I leave to study Urology. Here's a fan-made trailer for Pokemon. And I have to say, WOW, those are dedicated fans. O:
Click to view
Well that's it *fades back to obscurity*