I'm back, even if for a short period ^-^. I finally have time to sit down and say something else apart from constant whining about school [Even I (the whiner) can get tired of it.], and that is because... 3 DAY WEEKEND!!!
Oh yeah! *pumps fist*
Plus, apart from the 3 day weekend, it's also fiesta time in our little town, so that means twice the fun with twice the amount of food :3
Roasted pig (lechon), cakes, more fattening pork, really tender steaks, grilled salmon head, New Zealand mussels with cheese and garlic.
Food. Mmmm, food.
I sound like Homer >:
Plus, we had fiesta festivities of course. Yesterday was a fireworks display which we watched in the middle of this empty field in front of my cousin's little house. The wind was chilly, the air clean, and the moon was emitting the most gorgeous glow as clouds lazily swept by. And, the fireworks? They were awesome. It was great watching it with my parents :>, now only if my brother was there too >:
Then today was supposed to be the toro (bull run with a fake bull studded with fireworks XD) and the higante (giant paper mache figures, also studded with fireworks -- are we noticing a pattern here?). But sadly, while we did wait patiently for about an hour or so, we had to leave our vantage point and miss it. Hopefully we get to catch it again next year. I want to experience it at least once.
Oh and there's an honest to goodness palo sebo during the fiesta XD. Twas very cool. Congratulations to the man who reached the top and was able to grab the flag, it would have been impossible for me to climb even a foot up from the ground on that piece of bamboo lubricated with oil.
Yes, oil.
Upper body strength, I have none.
These 2 days really cemented my love for Filipino culture, even throughout the lows (hostage taking disaster -- I still feel anger against everyone who effed it up, but especially on the hostage taker), and highs (Ms. Philippines grabbing 4th runner up on the Ms. Universe pageant, a small high, but really, we should be proud of her) -- watching everybody congregate in the spirit of a fiesta was a sight to behold. Just tonight, I was able to see a sea of people smiling, laughing and generally enjoying the festivities, and it really is just beautiful.
You know what else is love, kindness and all-around happiness? Misha and a charity he helped found --
Random Acts. Misha's going to run an x (0-100 km) amount of kilometers in one day and anyone can donate either with a flat rate or according to however long Misha can stay alive running the whole darn thing.
As I quote from
his Twitter:
go to
www.jesusfoodsex.org & pledge. Pledge a penny or a dollar it doesn't matter. I'll tweet my location from the run & u can watch me die.
6:58 PM Aug 26th via web
That man <3
Oh and Jay finally got a
Twitter account too :D. Hehe ^^, now I must find a way to add their tweets to my LJ feed. If any of you have an idea on how to do that, feel free to share :D
I must sleep soon, my neices and nephews (the older ones at least) stayed over and we drank iced tea + vodka while munching on Sour Cream and Onion Pringles, all the while watching random music videos and Ms. Universe.
It was very fun XD. But I am tired =_= Off to bed.