Nov 24, 2008 00:42
I've been basically sleeping the weekend off.
Started with sleeping 12+ hours from Friday to Saturday. Then we ate out because it was my nephew's First Communion :D.
I like free food XD. (More party-free food this Saturday because it's my niece's birthday :3)
I also visited Hataw Hanep Hero Con 4: Amped Edition (Wow, what a mouthful, I'll just call it HeroCon 4). I just really went there to check out the stuff and wait for my niece to arrive.
Suffice to say, I was disappointed. First off, the horrendous venue. Was that even a convention center? I mean, really, a convention center is supposed to be large and spacious, preferably square-ish in area. That "center" was more like a large hallway X_x, plus it's a hassle to go from one end of the hallway to the other end where the stage is found. Plus the stage was pretty small, and the space in front of it even smaller in relation to the crowd there.
Secondly, where are the stores? The activities? When we went to HeroCon 2 (2006), there was a pretty good number of stores, the usual toy stores, some artist's stalls and lots of computers and games (TimeZone was there I think) to dabble with while in costume. Here? We just had a couple of the usual anime stores, some computer stalls, a really small "Amped" portion and... a clothing store. There was basically nothing to do but loiter around.
Mrr, I actually had more fun over at Mangaholix, and that was a pretty small con. Maybe it's because my friends were there... but *shrugs*. I was just disappointed with this con in particular.
There were some great cosplay though, I might post some pictures when I'm free this week (that's very improbable though, I have a multitude of tests this week + my self-appointed Histology goal of 3 drawings per day. X-x Lots of work)
I'll try my best ^,^
I also slept a lot from Saturday to Sunday. Then on Sunday, I just did my Histology and I'm currently doing SGDs for Physiology and Biochemistry. Up next would be to study for Physiology exam tomorrow.
I think I'm going to cry ;-;. So much work.
Oh well, off to work. :D
real life,