on vacation XD

Mar 29, 2007 14:01

Oh, how good does that sound? ;-;

Anyway, finally... summer vacation is here. Sure, I still need to study for a second NMAT test on my birthday, but I'll hold that off for now. I'll be pampering myself first by soaking in the good ol' rays of the television and computer XD.

Well, until I reach home... after that I'll be outside soaking in the sun ^_^.

So, what am I doing right now?

Art! XD Yeah, I'm playing around with my tablet again and slowly, but surely... I'm getting a hold of it. I still have a long way to go... but baby steps, baby steps.

Oh, and I'll be fixing up a community I'm co-moderating. It's currently inactive and gathering dust and cobwebs, but I'll do my best to raise it up from the dead. Anyway, Alessandro's been pretty busy right now so there would be news, at least :D.

Oh, and I've been watching Prison Break with my brother. I'm strangely being drawn to Kellerman. Evil bastard who got his heart broken by his girlfriend. Someone with an immense sense of duty and this has come and failed him.

Kinda sounds like Norrington XD.

No wonder I'm drawn :P.

Anyway, Law and Order: SVU is coming up and then after that, off to fix the layout of the community. Busy, busy... but good busy. ^_^

See you guys in a few. ^_^

school, tv shows, fandom, art, actors

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