Mar 05, 2007 23:29
Saturday night.
Players: Kelsey, myself, her friend Mike, Tyler ((in a supporting role)), Shauna, Meaghan.
Plot: Kelsey and I are bored. Adventure ensue.
Scene: Kelsey and grumpy friend Mike pick me up. We get lost trying to find Tyler, who has marijuana. We find him, and the weed. FINALLY, after driving all over Rhode Island, we find a place to smoke. We get ready, get out of the car, realize none of us have a lighter. Back in the car, we drive to a gas station. Try to find our way back to said "place" and can't find it. Head to the dunes. Stop at Walgreens on the way to buy triple C's. Begin said "bad idea". Get to the dunes. Amanda is 10 pills in. They are not going to kick in for a while. We go into the woods, smoke. Alot. Get REALLY stoned. Get back in car. Drive around aimlessly. Get to Dennys. Grumpy friend Mike leaves. We go in. I'm up to 12 pills, not sure when I took the other two. We're at Dennys. Realize that there is a large group of people from TG that may or may not like us. We ignore them and get seated on the other side of the restaurant. Still REALLY stoned. We stare at everyone. I take the last 4 pills in the package. Now, for those of us who are math challenged, that means I've now consumed 16 Triple C's. 8 will make you trip quite nicely. Why do I always do everything so extreme? "let's try acid" So I do 4 hits. Again, bad ideas, but that was a different night. ((ask me about it, it's pretty amusing))
Shauna is DRUNK and with her friend Meaghan, and they are on their way. We eat, get the bill, and have EXACTLY 1 cent more than what the bill comes to, including going through purses scrapping for change. All at once, I fell my vision slip away. I'm doing my best impression of someone not fucked up, and failing miserably. I should NOT be an actress. I manage to utter the words "Shauna needs to get here NOW". She shows up shortly there after. Yells something about "I swear I had sex with my clothes on" as we're walking out of Dennys, and there's like a thousand people there.
We get in her car. Alot of this, I can't remember. The pills hit me. HARD. Shauna gives me a drink. Vodka and pepsi. Basically, just vodka. I drink maybe 3 shots worth. I was thirsty. Then, I have a wine cooler. A little while later, I yell something about the wine cooler missing. Apparently, I drank it. I get another. We smoke more. At some point, we end up at a boys house. Shauna and I show our underwear. We get in the car. I wrestle my seatbelt, and lose. The creepy boy helps me. I don't like him. Then again, I don't like anyone new at this point. Im nervous and more fucked up than Id ever like to be again. I'm not sure where we were going, but we end up home really soon. We go inside. Smoke. ALOT. MORE fucked up. I drink my wine cooler. I think I may have actually had three...I don't remember. I keep yelling things about my face melting off. Next thing I know, we're at McDonalds. I cant eat anything, but I keep getting out of the car to stretch my legs. We start driving to Shaunas. I thought I was dead. At first I was sad, then I came to terms with it. Then I thought that Heaven was just me, Shauna, Kelsey and Meaghan driving around. Forever. I hoped we ended up in California. Then, I started feeling bad that they would have to somehow dispose of my body since I was dead. I honestly thought I was watching myself from outside my body. We get home, and to my surprise and happiness, I'm alive. We go to sleep. I wake up spooning Kelsey.
We try to find chocolate chip pancakes. Three restaurants, 4 trips to Shaunas car, 3 different cities and a car accident later, we get to Cracker Barrel. No chocolate chip pancakes. We are ready to kill ourselves. Meaghan buys a candy bar, and they put it in the pancakes. I come home. My head hurt ALL DAY. But it was fun. I just don't think I'll be abusing any substances for a LOOONG time.