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Sep 29, 2010 11:59

I turn 21 in approximately 12 hours. WHAT THE FUCK?! and suzie's mom made me a coconut cake that we are going to pick up in 40 minutes. My week off has been amazing. I've been feleing amazing. I FOUND SARAH'S NAIL POLISH! it was the last bottle of the promo summer colors. FUCK FUCKING YES!  got approved for a macy's card... oops. But i don't go to macy's unless it's more make  up. So it's not like teh gap or NY and company in which case i wouldmax out my cards which would be bad. I'm so excited for tomorrow. i also got a full body wax. it's definately torture getting your labia majora waxed. The girl whpo did it said "you're strong, epopel usually cry!" My response? to yell gaaaahhh and then laugh. My mom thinks i'm a masochist "Sinokuthaba are you a masochist? Why are you always tortuting yourself?"It was defiantely akward, but slightly amusing. I think it would have been way worse if I wasn't consitantly dealing with other people's genitals and anuses. I think everyone should do it at least once in their life. Today I woke up read for psych and got some new foundation and perfume. She tested the foundation out and now i look like a freaking baby doll. it does it good though. Now i'm studying cardiac for med surg. anywho, hope everyone is doing well. Can't freaking wait!!
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