Jan 03, 2004 01:46
hi. i stole this journal from a friend. i'm TASSLEHOFF booya beat that, white ass folk. i'm at sam's. she has like, 17 1/2 dogs AND THEY'RE ALL BROWN! except maybe 5 of them. and one's huge. SHEEEEBA is her name, peeing in registers is her game. there are turd nuggets...oh man i'm not sure. I'M NOT ON CRACK, HONEST! so my name is __normajean. BEAT THAT! HA! and...well...I love robbie.jean...get it, robbiejean, normajean...they're lovers. i mean, we're lovers. nevermind. so...i'm gay. or not. i had fun tonight. brittany was all drunk and i died from her FUMES. but it's all gooooood. EVERYONE IN THE WORLD MUST ADD ME TO THEIR JOURNALS!. that includes you, cream of wheat guy. my car. is ghetto. er than you. HA! i will probably never post on this thing. 'cause i'm lazierthanfucck. WITH TWO C'S! booya. alright i'm done, hopefully i can make this thing PrEtTiEr than You.
alright, once I sawnorma jean. and the singer guy scaredme. he danced funny.