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Dec 31, 2008 14:53

My Mum and I went shopping in Kingston today :) We set off quite early and had breakfast before starting shopping. I'm glad we went early because we missed the rush. I can't stand sales. Manners seem to go right out the window.
Pretty much all I bought came from h&m - yay for cheapness. I managed to find a shrug to go with my dress for my cousin's wedding, and a pretty little gold necklace with a heart on the end. My Mum treated me to the coolest ice scraper from Octopus. I think she loves that shop just as much as I do now. I bought the most amazing dress for tonight, which cost me under £20. It's turquoise and has frills - it probably sounds hideous, but I adore it. I'd previously tried a dress costing £35 in River Island, which I was totally unsure about yet my Mother loved it on me. I'm so glad I tried h&m, because we both agreed the dress looked better, plus it was a whole lot cheaper!
We popped home after k-town, but then went back out into Staines for Nando's, then we looked at cameras because I'm sick of mine. I've had it for a good few years and it's an actual brick. I found the one I wanted, but the only one they had in stock was the one on display - my reply to this was, "eurgh, a man-handled one". Hah. It probably sounded really snobby :/ I looked online though and found I could have it delivered to me, plus it's cheaper online than in the shop.Purpleness. Hopefully it'll arrive in the next few days.

So tonight, I'm just going to some social club local to me. It's not the usual thing I'd do, but the tickets weren't too expensive and there's a good group of us going so I'm hoping it'll be good. I've got a bottle of white zinfandel so I will have a couple of glasses before I go out to 'get me going'.

Hope everyone has a great night tonight, and Happy New Year to you all :)
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