Nov 19, 2005 12:55
I always wondered why people felt the need to lie.
In certain situations it only makes you that much of a coward.
There was no problem between us, we were okay.
1 lie can affect a years friendship in the span of 1 day.
I could sit here and ask why, but then again, who says
they wouldn't just lie, about why they lied.
Trust is something thats a privledge, it isn't just handed out.
Once you cross the line, really, you can't ever go back.
I wish people would just start telling the truth.
Who cares if the truth hurts, because the truth is,
it only hurts that much more when someone finds out
you were never telling the truth to begin with.
Sometimes in life, you hit a bump in the road, that makes you
realize things. You'll probably make that one big decision, to grow up.
I've been there, and I know a few others, I'm just waiting for everyone
else in life, to catch up.
People have beliefs, people make decisions, whether the decision is to
party while your young, live it up, or realize that life is handed to you,
but at that same fast pace, it can be swept away.
You people are not profits, you can't guarantee what will and won't happen
in your life.
Just stop beating people down for choices they made.
If a person wants to be straightedge, oh well.
It's not your decision to make, or judge, it's in fact
that persons own.
Live your own life, stop butting into everyone elses.