Jan 24, 2006 22:31
I did pretty well on my finals. =)
Am.Gov't: B+ on Final, Leaving Class with a B
Choir: C on final, Leaving class with a B
Spanish: D+ on final, hoping to leave class with a C
English: I dont even know. I know I did bad though.
CPC: C on the final, Final grade B
I love my new classes. I have friends in each class.
Criminal Justice: Only have Jenny Trier in my class, but its good. We just talked about the class.
Psychology:Got class rules. Heather,Brit,and Jordan are in my class.
English: Introduced ourselves,Florence and Sel and Darin are in there.
Spanish: I love my new class. I guess THere is only 4 people from my class in my hour, I have having A lunch, but I will get over it. I dont really know anyone in there, but yeah.Have to write Verbs 5times in Spanish.
CPC: Get book, and packet and Med Terms. I finished the packet in class.
I had Spanish and CPC homework, I did both the second I got home =).
I slept for a bit and ate dinner, took a shower,talked to Joe :-D God do I love that boy. and then went to bed at like 3amish.
Criminal Justice:Watch Law and Order SVU. I've already seen that episode.
Psychology: Do a pre-test thing.
English: Pakcet ont he parts of Speech, since Ms.Pollock had a meeting.
Spanish: Turn in homework,and get a worksheet. I did most of it in class.
CPC: TUrn in packet, Finish MedTerms, take notes. Watch a short video on the skin and tanning. I finished my Spanish ws in class.
I had no homework today, I was so proud of myself. I really think that this semester Im going to do alot better.I came home ate a few cookies talked to Joe and fell asleep. While I was sleeping my brother came in my damn room,went in my purse and took my phone. cuz i went over texting and minutes.I can understand why, but it pisses me off how they got it. I wont see my phone for a month, but when David went over his texts, did he get his phone take away, HELL NOO! And i even told my mom I might be over texts and minutes. Dumb bitch.
I cant wait till im 18 and i pay my own cell bil.. I will tell her to fuck off if she wants to take it.
I need to ask my dad for a $110 for the Alive concert in June. Im going idc what they say. Hopefully i Will have a job by then or sometime soon so I can go on my own money.
Well me and Joe areabsoulutely amaxing rihgt now. I cant believe or even imagine that I could ever love someone as much as I love him. He is seriously the best thing in my life right now. He is the only reason I wake up and the only reason I go to bed. He is my life. I love him. and I hope all you girls get jealous, cuz he aint leaving me for none of you.
GOD DO I LOVE YOU BABY. 10-25-05,11-1-05,12-25-05 ARE THE BEST DAYS OF MY LIFE.