shout ouTs

May 10, 2005 19:27

so i was looking at one of my friends eljays and decided to do a shout-out thing too <33

cody lee shaw you are an amazing boyfriend. you are also my best friend. my lover. your everything i have ever wanted. i can trust you so much and your my everything. even when i move we have to keep strong. i love you.

amazed- lonestar

ms. jessica ambler you are an amazing best friend. you have been there when i needed you and you are the true meaning of a best friend. <33 im so sorry about your gpa but it will all be mmkay and if you need me im here. anytime. anyday. i loooove you girlie. dancing buddy/best buddy/bevis YOU KICK ASS <33

every single fucking song on this earth <333333333333333333333

mr. kenneth "brent" walden i know we have our ups and downs but you are awsome. im going to miss not being at Bowie with you!! =(  im not going to be able to get you in trouble!! =(   haha jk. well i love you dear. <33 be good at bowie my little soon-to-be fishy


mr. trevor olson i love being with you. you always make me laugh when im having a really hard time. we have our little fights and stuff but hey you wont have to deal with me anymore. =)  well i love you and i hope i see you when you have your car hottie <3 im gunna miss yoooou! <33

scotty doesnt know- lustra <3

ms. dee dee i never really talk to you anymore and i miss it. you were one of the friends i could go too when i had a problem and need a resonable solution. im gunna miss not having you around <3 i love you and dont forget 4 inches and hottub fun =) hahaha

ironic- alanis morsette (sp on that)

ms. krizzle i never really see you anymore. and when i do fat ass deletes all the pictures
whats your fantasy- ludacris ( hahaha dont ask )

well now im too lazy to write anymore. haha. <33

i know i left people out but i love you all <33333333333
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