Jan 09, 2006 17:58
Answer these questions honestly that apply to you!! IDK or a million do not count for a number answer, give a close estimate!
1. Name: Karly
2. D.O.B: June 22nd 1989
3. State: Illinois
4. Live in Country or City: Fuck Bartonville.
5. Siblings: Corey Todd, Ele Sue, Jessica Jane
6. Parents married/divorced: divorced
7. Pets: huge fat fucking dog named Ditto
**How many does your family own?!**
8. How many cars does your family have? A lot
9. How many TVs does your family have? Too many
10. Computers? Each house has one
11. DVD players? 3 at my moms none at my dads
12. VCRs? one at my moms none at my dads
**How many do you yourself own?!**
13. How many cars do you have? one, broken, no engine
14. What type of car? Dawoo
15. Computers? one
16. TVs? 2
17. DVD player? one
18. DVDs? a million
19. VHSs? a lot
20. CDs? too many to count.
21. Computer games? none
22. Books? a lot
23. Hoodies? like 48950428
24. Shoes? one pair
25. Contacts on cell phone? don't have a cell phone
**What do you like of opposite sex?!**
26. Thongs or granny? uhhh neither for boys kay thanks.
27. Tall or short? Taller than me
28. Older or younger? Older usually, not much older
29. Looks or personality? personality, duh... looks are a plus
30. Strong or weak? If I can beat him up, that's too weak.
31. Make-up or natural? hahahaha
32. Breast implants? LMFAO! fuck breast implants
33. Sweet or sexy? both..
34. Fun or lazy? both
35. Serious or joking? Serious at times, joking most of the time
36. Ones that talk or listen? both
37. What body parts pierced? doesnt matter
38. Tattoos? doesnt matter
39. Hang out or go out? either one is awesome
40. Talk to them on phone, IM, or in person? IM and in person. fuck phones.
**Random Questions**
41. Ever kiss opposite sex? uhh yeah
42. Kiss same sex? yeah
43. Pleasured yourself? no fuck that
44. Ever sleep naked? yeah
45. Skinny dipped? yeah
46. Longest time without shower? 2 days
47. What video game system(s) do you have? dont have one
48. When is last time you played it? dont have one
49. Favorite game for it? DONT HAVE ONE!
50. Ever smoke? sure
51. Ever do drugs? ha
52. Ever been wasted? every weekend
53. Ever been beaten up? never, threatened.. but not beat up
54. How often do you wear sunglasses? everyday
55. Tell everyone one unique thing you do: uhh.. i can drink a lot of vodka and not notice that its not the chaser.
56. Did you answer this survey with 100% honesty?
Now you copy and paste this survey and fill it out! Note, you may have to reword some of the opposite sex questions! Enjoy!