We don't hate you, We love you still. We will never ever stop loving you.

Jun 22, 2005 15:30

Had a wonderful night, with Daniel again, & tonight is youth. Yeah! Soon should be some amazing times with Liz & possibly Kelly & Sydney & everyone else? Who knows?

Yesterday was cheerleading & shit. I sweated buckets, but due to my knee acting up, I didn't have to do all of the conditioning at the end. So it spared me about 3 buckets worth of sweat. & yeah, I sweat, & I sweat alot, get over it. So we got a new coach & her name is Dixie =]  . Which I think is cool. She seems alright, actually. So that happened, & my knee was gay as ever. Then I went home & showered & that was nice. So I sat around for like 2/3 hours, waiting for Daniel, & then he came over & being forgetful, I forgot to tell him to bring his bathing suit, cause we were gonna go swimming this time, but I'm dumb. Ah well. So we talked till he left, & it was amazing as always. Daniel is the coolest & most of you who read this know that lol. So yeah we did that & it was funny cause he honked his horn on accident cause he was being cute. & I laughed. =P   So that was cool, then I didn't go to sleep till like 2;30 like usual & yeah.

I have really weird dreams.

So anyways, lol I woke up around like 1 & it was cool. But I'm still tired. And like, hmm. I don't remember what I did, pretty much got on here & then my grandma came & we had a serious conversation. & I'll warn you all, if you think you can get away with something, just wait, cause they'll find out. It's so WEIRD, I mean I hid it really freakin well, no ooonne knew, & here they are telling me they've known for a while & that they don't hate me so that's the good part. But omg, I can't believe they found out. sigh. It made me feel like shit that I did that in the first place & I totally disowned myself for a while & bottled it up cause it was horrid of me, but I went back to church recently & I'm glad, because I thought a lot of things, & well I guess it's out in the open now. Sigh. Well that was that & so now my mom wants to know if I want b.c & I'm thinking no! I made a mistake & I don't want to do it again, it scared me so bad when I did! SIGH. ugh. I hate this. I hate me for doing it now, & at least they aren't mad at me.

So yeah, then here I am. I'm bored. Tonight is choir try-outs & I hope I do well, I'd like to sing @ church. I like to sing period but somewhere, where I might get noticed or compliments, is a nice idea. So yeah that's at 5;30. Hopefully Friday is the beach with Daniel & Hopefully that night is Liz's night & hopefully I'll get the nerve to take Kelly up on her invitation & go with her but, I'm kinda nervous I'd be like the .. whatever number wheel, cause I'm not nearly as cool as anyone of the girls & I don't know any of them well, but if I do end up going it'll probably be fun & sigh. I'm really indecisive lol.

Well yeah thats pretty good. If anyone wants to help me learn HTML & CSS and junk lemme know, cause I hate not knowing. & I don't know how to learn it by myself, unless someone wants to give me a tutorial site? If there is one? Dunno.

<3 You guys tons
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